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an express adaptation to life in the Arctic

While polar bears (Sea bearSea bear)) are threatened by anthropogenic global warming, researchers from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) wanted to finally understand since when they adapted to living conditions arcticarctic. Going from single-layer brown fur to double-layer white fur and swapping their diet for one richer in fat without suffering the consequences on their health.

A genetic analysis of brown bears and polar bears

In the magazine BMC Genomicsthe researchers tell how they analyzed the genomesgenomes more than 100 polar bears and nearly 150 brown bears (The bear is close) modern as well as some fossilized remains. In particular, they studied the GenoaGenoa involved in the colorcolor fur and cardiovascular functions. Conclusion, some of the differences between the two speciesspecies really took hold only about 70,000 years ago, when at the end of the last ice ageice agethey have become necessary for the survival of polar bears in the Arctic.


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