DayFR Euro

“Do not remain isolated and share values”

The Movement of Retired Christians (MCR) of the diocese of (Creuse and Haute-) held its general assembly in Aubusson.

With 60 years of existence, this movement open to Christians and non-Christians is divided by diocese and basic teams: “We are 16 people in Aubusson. The goal is to give meaning to retirement, not to remain isolated, to share values ​​and experiences, explains Bernadette Marcon, leader of the group. “We meet once a month, we get news, then we talk about the annual booklet. In 2024 the theme is: “Let’s dare the future”. » The moral report was adopted unanimously.

A new chaplain for the movement

Coming from Lebanon in 2023, Father Fouad El Tabach was officially presented to the movement by the bishop. Maronite priest, married, he is preparing a doctorate in bioethics.

The board of directors has 12 members with two new people.

The activity report and the financial report were adopted unanimously: the season is a little deficit, the expenses are devoted to meals, secretarial services and training.

Contributions are set at €25 for the start of the school year and €15 for subscription to New Boom .

Among the upcoming events, Candlemas will be celebrated on January 29 in Saint-Auvent; training will take place in from March 10 to 13, to meet people from everywhere, see that we are not alone, talk about putting projects into action, be on the move as the father said in his homily . “The joy of being a Christian is a profound joy,” added the president, Alain Fayollas.

Practical. Next meeting on October 7 at 2:30 p.m. at Maison Saint-Vincent, 10, rue Jean-Jaurès. See the site for more information.


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