DayFR Euro

Murder of Philippine: at the call of the identity collective Nemesis, 500 people gathered in

Around 500 people gathered on Sunday September 29 in at the call of the identity collective Nemesis to denounce the murder of Philippine.

“We have the impression that has become a cutthroat”, that “you can go out for a sandwich and end up killed”, declared to AFP from Place Denfert-Rochereau Alice Cordier, president and founder of the collective founded in 2019 and which presents itself as feminist. Behind a banner “the State killed me”, around 500 people, according to the Ministry of the Interior, gathered on Sunday September 29 in Paris at the call of the identity collective Nemesis to denounce the murder of Philippine, a student 19 years old.

The body of Philippine, aged 19 and a student at the University of Paris-Dauphine, was found buried in the de Boulogne, in western Paris, on September 21. A suspect was arrested in Switzerland. He is a 22-year-old Moroccan, already convicted of rape and who was awaiting deportation to his country of origin.

“We want answers”

“Insecurity exists” and “the government which is there in this second five-year term is committed to protecting women. We do not see the color of it, nothing has been arranged for feminicides”, deplores the identity activist , according to whom “no political party will speak” during the rally.

“We have a new government, we want to take advantage of it, we want answers,” she added. Beside her, women holding white roses and large posters with Philippine’s image, some saying: “Philippine could have been our sister.”

At the heart of the rally, in which former RN executive Florian Philippot participated, a few signs hostile to foreigners and a few French flags. “Justice for the Philippines,” participants briefly chanted. Speeches from activists and relatives of victims followed, in particular to denounce “the laxity of the State and justice”, to review migration policies, but also to reject accusations of political exploitation of this news item, and to ask the execution of all obligations to leave French territory (OQTF).

Philippine’s funeral in : 2,800 people gathered to pay tribute to her

With AFP


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