DayFR Euro

Juric at the press conference before Rome-Venice

On the eve of the home match against Venezia, Mister Juric answered journalists’ questions at the press conference.

These were his words.

There is a theme: the difference in Roma’s performance between the first and second half in the match against Athletic Club. In your opinion, why?

“I can say that in the second half we ran more than the first. It means that physical appearance has nothing to do with it. Matches change, you can’t dominate against teams like that for ninety minutes.

What I noticed was that there were players who had played less, there were those who had been without matches for four months. Bilbao had no chances, never, Svilar didn’t make a save, nothing. It means they were very focused, intense. What, in my opinion, Roma can improve on is having more possession in those situations. Because Roma have capacity, we missed this fact that someone maybe opens up a little less mentally – because maybe you’re tired – like Hermoso, or the mentality of bringing the result home. And there, in my opinion, there is material to grow.

The statistics say that in the second half we ran a lot, without conceding anything, but we certainly want to play games more like those of the first half.”

Can the fact of playing a lot, in fact every three days, help the team to better assimilate its concepts, which are already visible?

“My feeling is extremely positive. It seems to me that they like it, that they are very involved, that they have fun. I really have the feeling that they want to play as soon as possible. Even after the match we talked a bit. The sensations that they have, and that I have, are very positive, and lead you to face the matches with enthusiasm.”

How is Pellegrini? Can he be part of the match? He, the captain, is in a particular moment. How is he seeing it and how should he react?

“He has an exceptional demeanor. He has been training separately these days, today he wants to try training with the group. He really wants to play. He has some pain, but he wants to be there. His behavior seems exemplary to me, precisely with the great desire to demonstrate who he is, to play and make his contribution.”

Hummels and Dahl have not yet been used by her. How long until we see them on the pitch?

“Hummels, as soon as possible. He has to find the right condition again, because he hasn’t done his training camp, he hasn’t done his preparation, and it takes some time. He’s working hard, and we want him to work hard to bring him to a good level. If we worked less, it would give us little and that little would not be enough. We are pushing hard, I hope to include it as soon as possible. Dahl is a young guy, we have to evaluate him carefully. They are guys who have characteristics, but you have to be clear in your choices.”

What are you doing to prevent muscle injuries, given your many busy schedules? For example, Celik and Dybala stopped in the last match.

“Celik and Dybala have nothing, injuries and any other type of problem are excluded. Celik wants to train and Paulo also wants to try: he just had a feeling. In that sense, we’re good. For the rest, we found a very high level of staff here. Trigoria, as a structure, offers you the maximum in terms of player recovery.

You have to work really hard there: less on the field, more on recovery. Techniques to improve recovery are also being developed around the world and we are working on that.

It’s clear that, in my opinion, you need to have 20 players who you can change. And those who don’t play, train. Because in the long term if you play, play, play, then you don’t train. Instead, having a week of work, field work is very important. That gives you the strength to go strong in the game.

You have to be intelligent, go fast, think carefully about recovery, but also about managing the squad, and include as many players as possible to face the matches. Another thing is intensity: a team like Roma must play with high intensity, always. There can’t be a situation in which you play at 70%, it means that the team must always play at its best if it wants to achieve good results.”

Ghisolfi has been very present with her in the last few days. Can you describe this relationship of yours to us?

“We are communicating a lot as it should be between director and coach, sharing everything. He welcomed me really well.

It is a very professional relationship, which also goes towards the human. So far I am very satisfied. We can say things to each other’s faces, without hiding anything. Well, so far very good, I’m happy.”

Have you spoken to Le Fée? Will he be out for long? And as characteristics, how do you see it?

“Le Fée seemed ready. Let’s hope he’s with the team next week. I see him as a midfielder. From what I saw in , he fits perfectly into my way of being a midfielder. Both technical and very dynamic. He also has the habit of working well on the defensive phase, because he has had coaches in the past who instilled this in him.”

If Celik doesn’t make it, can Saud give her guarantees in that role or maybe he prefers someone with more experience, even if adapted, like El Shaarawy?

“I think it’s like that with new players coming in from the other world. He has the right qualities of speed, aggression, physicality, it is clear that you enter another world and it takes time.

The other day I threw it in on purpose and wanted to see how it was doing. In training you just don’t get an idea. It will get better with time, that’s for sure. We need to be careful with Hermoso and other players who haven’t played for a long time, whether to make them play two games in a row straight away. The idea is to give this guy time, as with everyone, making a judgment further down the line. Not right away.”

Do you already have any pairs in mind in midfield? And, in your opinion, can Koné and Pisilli play together?

“I’m thinking about it, now I see the training. Koné and Pisilli generally appeal to me a lot in terms of characteristics, from what I’ve seen in recent days. They want to grow and work: something fundamental. I already like them now, but in my opinion they can do a lot of good in the future. They are prospects that I like to have, I like to work with players like that.”


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