DayFR Euro

With Venezia there is room for Soulé and Baldanzi behind Dovbyk. El Shaarawy returns to the starting lineup

Recovered yes, but not to the point of starting as starters. Dybala e Pellegrinithe two most talented players in the squad, will initially sit on the bench this afternoon: their respective ailments are over (neither of the two complained of worrying ailments), but the risks must be limited to a minimum with two more games coming up next week. Moreover Baldanzi in the area usually occupied by Lorenzo and Paulo he is extricating himself well: between goalsUdinese and convincing performance withAthletic is confirming the excellent form inaugurated with the hat-trick in Under 21 during the last stop. At his side there should be room for Souléwhich has not yet had the opportunity to highlight its qualities. Today the Argentine may have some further stimulus, finding himself facing By Francescothe coach who launched him in Serie A. He will still be the attacking midfielder Dovbykreinvigorated by three consecutive hits.

Something should also change in the other departments: according to the words of Juric on the eve, Beautiful he still does not appear capable of playing two consecutive matches in three days. The same Hummels seems destined to wait to enter the rotations, hence the three-man line to protect Svilar con Mancini e I’m sorry will be completed again by Angeliño, resulting in his return as starter El Shaarawy in the left-handed lane. On the opposite side Literate it does not cause worries after muscle boredom. In between there is plenty, this time it should be a Paredes (on the ballot with Cristante) e Kone.


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