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Pensions, APL, gas prices… Everything that changes on October 1st

Nnew gas prices, revaluation of small pensions or even an increase in APL… Several changes in the daily lives of the French come into force from this 1is october. Here is a summary of what to remember.

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Revaluation of pensions

The second wave of revaluation of “small pensions” planned as part of the pension reform will take place at the beginning of October. It concerns 850,000 people who receive a basic pension “not exceeding 847.57 euros per month”, and have a full career.

These beneficiaries will see their pension increase by an average of 50.94 euros per month from October 9. 600,000 other retirees had already benefited from this increase in September 2023.

Increase in APL

Good news for recipients of personalized housing assistance (APL). This will be revalued to align with the increase in rents. Thus, this aid will increase by 3.26% on average according to the government.

The level of revaluation depends on his city of residence, but also on “his family situation and his resources”. Also note: APLs will be paid on Friday October 4, and not the 5th of the month as is usually the case.

Flu vaccination

The entry into the month of October marks the start of a new vaccination campaign against Covid-19, but also the flu. It will begin on October 15 and will target in particular French people aged 65 and over and people at risk of serious illness.

Every winter, between two and six million people get the flu. According to the ARS Centre-Val de , an average of 2,000 lives are saved thanks to the vaccination campaign. People suffering from certain chronic illnesses, obesity, pregnant women, those close to infants or immunocompromised people are also called upon to be vaccinated.

The end of phone scams

No more “spoofing”. This scam technique by spoofing landline telephone numbers will be made impossible thanks to a system for authenticating the origin of calls put in place by telephone operators. These calls will be systematically blocked.

“As of 1is October, it will no longer be possible to falsify a telephone number to pretend to be a banking advisor,” says the government website. This method of fraud made it possible to impersonate a bank, a company or a public administration.

Increase in gas prices

After a slight drop in September, the benchmark gas price will start to rise again in October, going from 130.21 to 137.20 euros per megawatt hour, an increase of 5.37%. This benchmark price is an indicator published each month by the Energy Regulatory Commission and which serves as a compass for consumers to choose a contract.

For hot water and cooking, the average price per KWh will increase from around 0.13 euros in September to 0.14 euros in October. For heating, the average benchmark price per KWh will be 0.11 euros, compared to 0.10 euros in September.

SUV parking and ring road

For Parisians, there are some changes in the capital. The price of parking for SUVs will triple from 1is october. This measure was approved by Parisians last February. The new rate only concerns “visitors” who “do not have a specific parking right: residential, professional, low-emission vehicle or Handi’Stat”.

Another new rule for motorists: the Paris ring road will go from 70 to 50 km/h from this Tuesday. The controversial decision by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, aims to reduce noise and pollution for local residents.

Change to winter time

It’s not for now but the month of October will also mark the entry into winter. On the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27, we will gain an hour of sleep. At 3 a.m. it will be 2 o’clock. From then on, night will fall from 5:30 p.m.


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