DayFR Euro

Live. Women’s record broken, Corentin Le Roy 8th, follow the 2024 edition of the Lion live!

Maxence Karlé (MBA), 15th in 1h07’47: “During the race, I was lucky to have Yoann with me throughout. Fortunately because otherwise it would have been harder. I’m more of a 1500m specialist, it was my first semi. I left a little faster than expected, but since I was with Yoann it was okay. I was in his wake, we took turns. And at the 16th km, I felt good and I left alone at the end. Before the start, I was hoping to finish in 1h10, so I’m super happy with my race. »

Yoann Altmeyer (MBA), 18th in 1h08’06: “I’m happy to be able to come back, last year I couldn’t be there. This year, I’m participating in the party with everyone. The Lion was the very first race I did, maybe around 2015 without preparation; that’s what made me want to run, so it’s always full of emotions to come back. And for the time, it’s what I expected with the preparation I did, so I’m satisfied. »

Baptiste Domanico (MBA), 19th in 1h08’13: “I’m pleasantly surprised. I wanted to do better than last year, but I arrived with zero specific training on the road. I had prepared for the duathlon worlds, but compared to the pure runners I did really well. I am very happy with my time, especially since I did the race almost alone from the 7th km to the finish. It concludes a magnificent season. »


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