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Bruno Retailleau wants to “do everything in his memory” so that “it doesn’t happen again”

A few days after his arrival at Place Beauvau, which coincided with the death of Philippine in , the new Minister of the Interior evokes several avenues of action this Sunday, “because each time, the same causes produce the same tragedies “.

A week after Philippine’s death, Bruno Retailleau, new Minister of the Interior, said he was ready “to shake up the rules”. Near the JDD this Sunday, September 29, the tenant of Place Beauvau confided having made an “internal commitment” to “do everything in his memory (…) so that it does not happen again”, even if it means “turning the table over”.

“Because each time, the same causes produce the same tragedies,” says the minister.

Bruno Retailleau therefore wants change, to avoid too hasty releases of suspects and limit legal constraints. “We reach a point of imbalance where the rules end up protecting dangerous individuals more than the victims of society,” he regrets.

“Not a news item”

“When the rules are faulty, they must be changed, whether on early releases, penal response, sentence reductions, the length of detention, the conditions of expulsion, the non-suspensive appeal of the prefects at the time of the release in a CRA”, details the Minister of the Interior, by way of avenues of action.

Bruno Retailleau claims to have realized on Monday, when he had just left the transfer of power with the former Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, that this drama “was going to move the whole of ”.

He also takes the opportunity to undermine the label of “news item”. “This term makes me bristle, because I see in it a desire to trivialize. We give it a dimension of chance, of fatality. A politician must refuse this fatality.”

Even though he hesitated, Bruno Retailleau did not go to the funeral of the young Filipina. “I considered that this moment of contemplation, of prayer, should be an intimate moment and protected from media noise. On the other hand, at the time when it deems it appropriate, I will see the family,” he concluded.


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