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Tipasa: Extinguishing a forest fire in Sidi Semiane

Civil Protection units managed to completely extinguish a fire which broke out on Friday morning, in a forest on the heights of the mountainous commune of Sidi Semiane, west of Tipasa, we learned yesterday from of this constituted body.

The fire, which broke out in the forest of Sidi M’hamed Youcef (commune of Sidi Semiane), was completely extinguished during the night from Friday to Saturday, while monitoring of the site is still underway with a view to avoid the risk of a possible resumption of the fire, the same source added. Note that significant resources were mobilized by the Tipasa Civil Protection department, immediately after the fire broke out. These include water bomber planes, the mobile column for fighting forest fires and the means of the various operational units, including those of Hadjeret Ennous, Cherchell, Gouraya, Messelmoune and Sidi Ghilas, according to the same source. “Absolute priority” was given during this intervention to the area of ​​the fire in order to protect local residents and prevent the spread of flames to neighboring forests, given that the commune of Sidi Semiane has several dense forests. The wali of Tipasa, Aboubakr Seddik Boucetta, went to the site to find out more about the progress of the extinguishing operations, informed the same source.


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