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“They will end up making me die”: Brigitte Bardot celebrates her 90th birthday, a birthday she “dreads”

He is one of the last great icons of French cinema.
Brigitte Bardot celebrates her 90th birthday this September 28, 2024. “I’m tired of this birthday! I’m tired of it, because it’s harassment, I’m really in demand from all sides. Fortunately it’s not every day that I turn 90 “she complains in an interview with The Dispatch.

BB swears: age, she doesn’t think about it “really not”. “For me, every day is the same… I take them as easily as before. […] I watch time pass and I think it’s going very well!”assures the retired artist who lives surrounded by her animals in her famous villa La Madrague, in Saint-Tropez.

Brigitte Bardot: why does she fear her 90th birthday?

These are similar words that
the star of Contempt holds the microphone
Be Matin. I’m dreading September 28… They’ll end up killing me!she asserts with humor, explaining that she is not planning anything in particular this Saturday. It will be my life like every day.”

After bursting onto the screen in the 60s and 70s, Brigitte Bardot now aims to see grant two wishes : ban on eating horse meat et the abolition of bullfights.I wouldn’t want to die before I got this“, says the woman we now know as one of the most fervent standard-bearers for the animal cause in .

Brigitte Bardot: “We’re going to stop”

It has been several years since Brigitte Bardot no longer receives the media at her home in Saint-Tropez. We’re going to stop. I don’t have not thirty-six thousand things to telleven if you always have to give more. Everyone always wants more”she has already said in an article published by our daily colleagues The World.

The young nonagenarian today aspires to a peaceful life, free from the constraints of stardom.
“All my life, I have been manipulated, manipulated, photographed like no one else in the world could be. Now what I want is calm, serenity, the sweetness of life and more all that nonsense”she says to Be Matin.


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