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A car on fire while crossing Marboué

The owners had just started when the fire started. Traffic was disrupted on the N10 while firefighters intervened.

Traffic had returned to almost normal, around 11 a.m. this morning in the Marboué crossing, after major disruptions due to the fire of a vehicle on the Nationale 10, an hour earlier.

This car belonged to a couple from Marbouésiens, who were heading with their son to Cloyes-sur-le-Loir (Cloyes-les-Trois-Rivières) for a football game. The husband had just started when the first flames appeared.

Aware of the danger, he then parked the vehicle in the parking spaces near the bakery, then, with a good reflex, he moved it forward again to avoid spreading to neighboring homes.

Miscellaneous facts A house ravaged by flames in Châtillon-en-Dunois (Vald’Yerre)

The fire quickly spread to the interior of the car, which was destroyed.

“We were very scared,” says the mother, shocked.

None of the occupants were injured.

Firefighters contained the fire while police diverted traffic.

A work-study program was then put in place.


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