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Pope Francis in Louvain-la-Neuve: UCLouvain deplores conservative discourse on the place of women

In his encyclical Laudato si’, the pope’s appeal to face the current ecological crisis, he proposes to enter “in dialogue with all about our common home”. The opportunity was seized by the university community. The latter, through a group of 50 students, researchers and professors, sent him a letter, read from his scene by the playwright Geneviève Damas, questioning him about the ecological transition and the place of women within society and the Church.

Geneviève Damas was perfect in the exercise, often speaking directly to the Pope – he even told him “she was excellent”.

“Dear Pope Francis, the place of women, where can we find it in the encyclical? Women are largely absent from Laudato si’. You will perhaps tell me that the question of “care” for the “common home” that is our Mother Earth is a direct challenge to the feminine vocation. But is this not also the case for men? In doing so, do we not remain in an unfair distribution of tasks in the name of a so-called propensity? natural” which leads to a sexual division of labor? Catholic theology has also tended to reinforce this division via its “theology of women”, which exalts their maternal role while prohibiting their access to ordained ministries. What place, therefore, for women in the Church? (…) Laudato si’ carries the seeds of a promising reflection for the inclusion of all But as often in the history of the Church, women. have been made invisible.”

The Pope will have disappointed those who expected an opening from him on the subject, although saying, twice and out of speech that “the Church is woman”.

“What characterizes women, what is feminine, is not determined by consensus or ideologies. And dignity is guaranteed by an original law, not written on paper, but in the flesh. Dignity is a very inestimable, an original quality that no human law can give or take away. From this common and shared dignity, Christian culture develops in an ever renewed way, in different contexts, the vocation and mission of man and. of women and their mutual being, in communion, not against each other, that would be feminism or machismo, in opposing demands, but for each other. heart of the salvific event. It is through Mary’s “yes” that God in person comes into the world. The woman is fruitful welcome, care, vital dedication.

“It’s ugly when a woman wants to be a man”

The Sovereign Pontiff then leaves the official text of his speech: “For that, the woman is more important than the man. But it’s ugly when the woman wants to act like a man. She remains a woman. And this is very important.”

And resume reading his text: “Let us open our eyes to the many daily examples of love, from friendship to work, from study to social and ecclesial responsibility; from married life to motherhood, to virginity for the Kingdom of God and for the service.”

UCLouvain deplores these conservative positions

These comments aroused the incomprehension and disapproval of UCLouvain, which made it known, via press release, as soon as the Pope had left.

The university deplores “the conservative positions expressed by the Pope regarding the place of women in society”. She denounces and regrets “a deterministic and reductive position with which UCLouvain can only express its disagreement. UCLouvain asserts itself as an inclusive university and is committed to the fight against sexist and sexual violence. It reaffirms its desire so that everyone and everyone flourishes within it and in society, whatever their origins, gender or sexual orientation. She calls the Church to take the same path, without any form of discrimination.

Pope’s climate position praised

On the other hand, the university notes “convergences linked to the environmental and social inequalities denounced by UCLouvain” and greet “the pope’s position on the climate issue”.

Pope Francis said that “among the questions you address, I was struck by that of the future and anxiety. We clearly see how violent and arrogant the evil which destroys the environment and people is. It seems to know no War is the most brutal expression; as are corruption and modern forms of slavery. Sometimes these evils pollute religion itself, which becomes an instrument of domination. .”

About the “project of our faith concerning the common home of all humanity”the pope will recall that “this house is given to us: we are not its masters, we are guests and pilgrims on earth”.

He will emphasize that “we are in the world to preserve its beauty and cultivate it for the good of all, in particular of posterity, the neighbor in the future. This is the “ecological program” of the Church.”

“The arrogant indifference of the powerful”

But he warns: “No development plan can succeed if arrogance, violence and rivalry remain in our consciences. We must go to the source of the problem which is the heart of man. This is also where the dramatic urgency of the ecological question: of the arrogant indifference of the powerful who always favor economic interest (And apart from official speech: I remember what my grandmother said: be careful in life because the devil comes in. your pockets). As long as this remains the case, every call will be silenced or heard only to the extent that it suits the market. And as long as the market remains at the forefront, our common home will suffer injustices.

“Be seekers of truth and witnesses to the truth”

Finally, he will address the students to tell them that “study has meaning when it seeks the truth. (…) If we give up seeking the truth together, study becomes an instrument of power, of control over others. It does not serve, but dominates . On the contrary, the truth makes us free. Do you want freedom?


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