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Nigerian oil minister visits Algeria

Energy: Nigerian Oil Minister visits Algeria

The Nigerien Minister of Oil, Sahabi Oumarou, will begin a working visit to Algeria this Saturday. According to a press release from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the minister will be accompanied by a strong delegation including senior executives from the Prime Ministry, the Nigerian hydrocarbon sector and the Soniped National Petroleum Company.

This visit follows that of the Minister of Energy and Mines Mohamed Arkab, to Niger on August 6 and 7, 2024, and is part of the reflection on ways to promote and strengthen cooperation between the two country in the areas of energy, particularly hydrocarbons, it is mentioned in the press release.

This visit also confirms the mutual desire to open new horizons to develop relations between the two countries which are experiencing continuous and remarkable development with the exchange of visits between senior officials of the two countries for the implementation of cooperation programs existing assets and the completion of joint development projects, notably the Sonatrach research and exploration project and the trans-Saharan gas pipeline (TSGP), we add.

The Nigerian Oil Minister’s visit schedule includes several meetings and meetings, including a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mines, as well as several visits to some energy facilities and training institutes in the sector, to discuss ways to diversify cooperation between the two countries to include other areas such as refining and petrochemicals and to benefit from Algerian expertise in these areas.


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