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“We are entering a period in which we will reap the fruits of the investments our government has made in the field of transportation in the last 22 years.”

In his video message to the International Black Sea Rize-Ayder Forum, President Erdoğan said, “We are entering a period in which we will reap the fruits of our government’s investments in the field of transportation in the last 22 years in a wide range of areas. “I have no doubt that the Black Sea region will take the place it deserves in this new era,” he said.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sent a video message to the International Black Sea Rize – Ayder Forum.
In his video message, Erdoğan said, “I hope that the International Black Sea Rize – Ayder Forum, where the logistics and transportation opportunities of the wider Black Sea region will be discussed, will be beneficial. Epidemic diseases and crises in our region remind us again of the importance of logistics and transportation infrastructure for economic development. We need to develop logistics networks that will shorten the delivery times of goods and transportation services that will improve trade in all countries within the Black Sea geography. We believe that İyidere Logistics Center, a high-tech industrial development zone in Rize, will make a significant contribution to these efforts. Positioning the Black Sea region as a key player in the global shipbuilding market is among our important goals. Transportation corridors and energy routes connecting West and East, North and South from Central Asia and the Caspian region pass through the Black Sea region. It seems that the geostrategic importance of the region will increase even more in the coming period. Hopefully, this momentum will accelerate with the strengthening of the transportation and logistics infrastructure in the Black Sea region. We are entering a period in which we will reap the fruits of the investments our government has made in the field of transportation in the last 22 years. I have no doubt that the Black Sea region will take the place it deserves in this new era. “I believe that the International Black Sea Rize – Ayder Forum, organized with the participation of distinguished names in its field, will help us in this struggle,” he said.

News Source: İhlas News Agency

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