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A former employee at Kiabi suspected of having embezzled 100 million euros

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Published by

Andri R

on Sep 28, 2024 at 1:52 p.m.

In July 2024, the leaders of the Kiabi brand realized that 100 million euros were missing from their coffers. A thorough investigation found the main suspect. This is their former treasurer, who moved to Miami. On her return to , this ex-employee is entitled to a very special welcome!

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Kiabi’s ex-treasurer creates her own company!

This large-scale scam began in July 2023. At the time, the main suspect was still Kiabi’s treasurer. She would then have done an investment in the name of the companywith an amount of 100 million euros. The transaction took place without a hitch and the brand’s managers hope to reap significant profits!

A year later, Kiabi management finally wants to regain its funds. Except that the money is no longer in the foreign bank. The technique of “bounce accounts” would have allowed it to be moved elsewhere! In the meantime, the treasurer in charge of investment has already changed jobs and even countries !

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On the Internet, we can see that the ex-treasurer of Kiabi founded a company that works in wealth management. In her company, this 39-year-old woman takes care of everything that is « design ». The central office for the repression of serious financial delinquency or OCRGDF led the investigation. And recently, its agents were able to arrest the ex-employee as she landed in Corsica!

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The ex-treasurer was not very careful!

The results of the investigation say that this former treasurer would have impersonated a senior executive at Kiabi. This would have given him access to the account in question. So, she was easily able to embezzle the money! To find her, the authorities did not have to wait long. In fact, her activities on social networks made it possible to track her.

Right after receiving the money, this woman took up residence in Florida. Subsequently, she launched an interior architecture firm before going to Corsica. As soon as his private jet landed, the police authorities were able to arrest him before taking him to . The police also found jewelry worth 500,000 euros on her!

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Currently, Kiabi’s ex-treasurer is under indictment. According to the investigating judge, she is in the middle of a murder case.“organized gang fraud and money laundering”. Investigators don’t think she could have pulled off this scam alone! The head of the OCRGDF even confirmed certain details regarding this “nebula suspected of having laundered 100 million euros”.

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Will the Kiabi brand survive after this huge loss?

According to a source close to the matter, Kiabi’s former treasurer is currently in pre-trial detention. The authorities, for their part, are trying to understand the modus operandi of this scam “worthy of a Netflix series”. Of course, they also plan to find the money, or what’s left of it!

Despite the scale of the situation, this scam does not really impact Kiabi’s finances. In fact, the 100 million euros only represent 4% of its turnover. The latter amounted to more than 2.2 billion euros in 2023!

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Kiabi managers want to reassure their customers. This matter “in no way calls into question [sa] financial solidity and has no impact on the maintenance of [sa] annual trajectory ». Furthermore, they have “confidence in the outcome of the actions carried out by the judicial and police authorities”.

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