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“I didn’t know that the Vatican embassy was there, I just came to buy bread”: they explain why they came to see the pope in Woluwé

All three were surprised when the Pope’s white Fiat 500 stopped alongside them, even though it had just emerged from the barriers surrounding the nunciature, the Vatican’s “embassy” in Belgium. “He was in the car. A mother came forward with her baby in her arms. The car slowed down,” says Suzanne. “The pope blessed the child, then also my little neighbor, who is Polish.” It was a bit of a “hustle and bustle”, admits Brigitte, all smiles. “But the bodyguards in the car following were very discreet and very courteous: they allowed us to approach.” These ladies will keep a video memory of it in their phones, awkwardly framed, which will undoubtedly play back and forth in loops over the next few days.


He was in the car. A mother came forward with her baby in her arms. The car slowed down.

Suzanne, Geneviève and Brigitte can’t believe their eyes. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet
Pope Francis took the time to greet the many curious people who came hoping to see him as he left the nunciature, this Saturday, September 28, 2024 in the Chant d’Oiseau district. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

Guard of honor by invitation

Some faithful had gotten up much earlier than this trio to greet Francis. From before 7 a.m. this Saturday, September 28, 2024, we arrive at the account to taste the cure of the parish neighboring the Vatican embassy. This is where the approximately “200 to 300” people gather who will form the guard of honor when the pontiff exits. They come from Brussels parishes, scout units, schools, associations.

Sébastien is there as a neighbor. He is part of the organization. “The guests check in in the hallway and then are taken to the garden at the back, which is like a waiting room. When we have the green light from the police, we spread out into the street.” The 21-year-old man had already been there the day before. “The principle is repeated every time the Pope comes. During the first slot, in the morning, everyone was able to shake his hand. Later, on the return from the Royal Palace, there was a little delay in the schedule There were some disappointments, but the atmosphere is great.”

Sébastien, 21 years old. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

This visit to my neighborhood is a great opportunity, which will boost my faith. Because the Church in Belgium is going through difficult times.

The night has not yet disappeared. Léopold, 12 years old, arrives with his family from Marche-en-Famenne. “It’s my birthday tomorrow,” slips the kid, who will therefore be welcoming a famous guest. Valentine, his mother, the second. “It’s important to participate all together. I experienced WYD a long time ago. These are strong events, which restore motivation, enthusiasm, in the values ​​we believe in. It’s important to show the children that a person is there to guide us and that we are not alone. This crowd is proof that Belgium believes in something. We did not expect this enthusiasm.

Valentine, Léopold and their family. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

This influx is proof that Belgium believes in something. We didn’t expect this enthusiasm.

In the corridor of the treatment, impatience is growing. Killa got an invitation from his daughter. “It’s very important for me, as a Christian: we don’t see the Pope every day!”, laughs this chorister from Sainte-, in Ixelles. “If I can speak to the pope, I will ask him to pray for peace in the world. These children under the bombs, under the shots, their tears: this is not why God sent them to earth.” Quentin, 27 years old, belongs to the same parish, where he lived when he was younger. He is going in the same direction. “The pope inspires me, particularly for his international diplomacy and his role in peace processes. And then as head of the Church. That’s not nothing.”

Sébastien sees this visit to his neighborhood as “a great opportunity, which will boost my faith. Because the Church in Belgium is going through difficult times. It’s a boost of energy.” He will see the apotheosis during the mass at the King Baudouin Stadium this Sunday. Where Martin’s scouts from Europe also converge. “We are going to the Hope Happening festival this Saturday: there will be 180 scouts,” confirms the Boitsfortois leader, 20 years old, who appreciates the Catholic pedagogy of his unit. “It’s similar to Belgian youth movements, but mixing scouting and faith adds a nice dimension. So yes, meeting the Pope is an opportunity.”

Guild. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

If I can speak to the Pope, I will ask him to pray for world peace. These children under the bombs, under the shots, their tears: that’s not why God sent them to earth.

Quentin. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

The Pope inspires me, particularly for his international diplomacy and his role in peace processes.

Ring and wands

The ranks are thickening in front of the bakeries on Avenue des Franciscains. “I’ve seen him twice, the Pope,” slips a saleswoman as she packs her baguettes. “We are really well placed here.” The road is blocked by a police suit. And if there are few birdsongs despite the neighborhood’s toponym, “hallelujahs” rise here and there. Aloysius came with his son to buy bread. “I didn’t know about it. I didn’t even know that the Vatican embassy was there,” slips the father, amused. Who gets into the game and waits for François like the others.

Pope Francis arrived right on time. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

I didn’t know about it. I didn’t even know the Vatican embassy was there.

When the bikers all in fluorescent orange leather park their bikes under the Notre-Dame-des-Grâces church, the air becomes electrified. “Da-pa, da-pa, da-pa!” are chanted. Children are hoisted on shoulders and smartphones held out at arm’s length. But it’s a false alarm. “Yesterday, I came on a whim. I work not far away,” smiles Anaïs in the drizzle. “These are precious little minutes, so this Saturday, we came back as a family from the Mechelen countryside,” confides the mother of Asaël, 15 months. “I hope that he will receive a blessing from the Pope. He is the supreme being. On this earth in any case. We are Eastern Christians. Our parents were persecuted: for me, this coming strengthens my beliefs “. At his side, Enise remembers: “I came across John Paul II’s popemobile when we lived in Jette”. Steven starts: “I was 5 years old, I saw him at the Koekelberg Basilica. But here, we will be much closer.”

Martin, chief scout. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

We are going to the Hope Happening festival this Saturday: there will be 180 scouts. Mixing scouting and faith adds a great dimension.

Scouts, families, parishioners and other curious customers of local bakeries cheered the Pope on September 28, 2024 in Woluwe. ©EdA – Julien Rensonnet

It’s 8:35 a.m. This time, that’s it, the combi backs up and the white Fiat points the tip of its hood into Avenue des Franciscains. But surprise: no one in the passenger seat. François then arrives in his chair, surrounded by numerous cassocks and anthracite suits accented with mauve or burgundy. We see his ring passing between the heads. He smiles patiently at the crowd gathered along the sidewalk. Songs arise. Telephones too. Aloysius brandishes his kid who, lifted by a bodyguard, is sitting on the fence. The Pope gives him a souvenir, like the others. Paper flags wave, in the white and yellow of the Vatican. “Da-da, da-da, da-da!” Anaïs’ family is in the front row of this popular high mass. The Malinois also receive a present.

In the background, curious people observe, sometimes amused, sometimes surprised, under the RAI cameras. Manivanh savors the famous green tea croissant from pastry chef Sasaki, Brussels chocolatier 2024, whose employees join the onlookers. “Thanks to all that, I didn’t have to queue,” laughs the local resident. She shrugs her shoulders: “It seems that the Pope tasted her pastries.” Then, mockingly: “Here in front of the church, there were many more people for Maurane’s funeral.”


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