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Murder of Philippine: brilliant student, “always ready to help”, “reserved”… her loved ones pay tribute to her

the essential
Philippine’s funeral was celebrated on Friday September 27 in , a week after her tragic death. The opportunity for those who knew her to describe the young woman.

Tragically deceased and found dead on Saturday September 21 in the de Boulogne, Philippine leaves her family and loved ones in immense sadness. The funeral which was celebrated on Friday September 27 allowed the Parisian to collect testimonies from some of his loved ones. Enough to learn a little more about the late student.

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The one who was about to enter her twenties “did everything before everyone else” in the words of her father. She was a brilliant student. At 19, she was already starting her third year of a degree in economics and financial engineering at the prestigious Dauphine University. “In my class, she was always in the front row. A very intelligent, caring girl, very supportive of her classmates and above all full of life,” testifies one of her teachers. “She always wanted to learn,” she summarizes. Philippine Le Noir from Carlan had also done very well in the previous stages of her schooling, notably in the private Catholic high school where she learned before entering university.

Christian faith at the heart of his life

His Christianity was also an important facet of his personality. She regularly went to the church of Saint-Pierre-du-Lac, whether in a prayer group or on Sundays for mass. At 15, she met Thibault there, who would become her fiancé.

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She was immersed in this environment and joined the scouts and guides of at a young age. Those who had the opportunity to meet her on this occasion describe her as someone “who was always ready to help”. Committed to this commitment, Philippine had even become a chef a year ago and was supervising younger people. “If a little one cried or was left behind, she interrupted everything. For her, the important thing was the others,” says one of these scouts.

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But Philippine was also a young girl like any other. She grew up in a privileged environment with a mother who was a mathematics professor and a father who was a physicist for the Atomic Energy Commission, in a family of 6 children. Some describe it as “reserved”, others as “dynamic” or “luminous”. She was “a daughter, a sister, a darling fiancée who wanted to start a family, an adored godmother”, we can also read in the booklet distributed during her funeral. “She liked to make jokes that were sometimes a little caustic” and “formed a great pair with her cousin,” according to her father, who perhaps provides the most faithful image of his daughter.


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