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Man between life and death after a fall in : the suspects indicted for attempted murder but left free

the essential
The two roommates suspected of being involved in the fall of a 23-year-old man from four floors on Wednesday in were indicted for “attempted murder” on Friday September 27. However, they were released and placed under judicial supervision.

While a 23-year-old man is still in hospital in critical condition in Toulouse, two young women aged 21 and 23 were indicted on Friday evening for “attempted murder” by a judge. ‘instruction. Despite this serious qualification, they were, to their great relief, left free and placed under judicial supervision by the judge of freedoms and detention.

“He carried out his job perfectly, considering that there was not enough evidence to keep her in detention despite the requisitions of the Prosecutor’s Office”, welcome Messrs Guy Debuisson and Bouchra Rabhi, the lawyers of the eldest. Same satisfaction for Me Jessica Guy, counsel for her roommate, who judges the “decision to be consistent with the elements at this stage and the personality” of her client.

Gray areas

Many gray areas remain regarding the conditions in which the victim fell from the fourth floor of a building on Avenue Armand-Duportal on Thursday around 4:30 a.m.

According to initial information, the young girls, two roommates who live in the suspect apartment, had spent the evening near Place Saint-Pierre, a mecca for Toulouse student parties. It was there that they met the victim with whom they returned home when the bar closed.

Also read:
In Toulouse, a young man between life and death after falling four floors: two young girls arrested

Both agree on their excessive drinking that night. On the other hand, none would have witnessed the fall of the young man. They looked for him when they noticed he was missing. The apartment being closed, they knew that he had not left and understood what had happened when they saw the lights of the flashing lights below.

A fourth person?

The investigation continues. The police will now comb through the images from the video surveillance cameras of the bar and Saint-Pierre Square in search of information on what happened during the evening. The question of the presence of a fourth person with the trio also arises.

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Did the young girls contribute to the downfall of their guest? This is the whole challenge of the investigation in this case described as “attempted murder”. The suspects have no criminal records allowing them to establish criminal profiles. One has just obtained a BTS and is living on small jobs while waiting to find a job in her area of ​​expertise.

Not criminal profiles

Her roommate is self-employed as a self-employed woman. The victim, who is still between life and death, has already been prescribed sixty days of total interruption of work in the legal sense. She notably suffered from a skull fracture.


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