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Hassan Nasrallah, from hero of the people to mortal enemy of Israel

leader of Hezbollah – The Israeli army announced that it had eliminated this Friday Hassan Nasrallah, Lebanese political and religious leader who had led Hezbollah since 1992

He probably experienced the same fate as his predecessor Abbas Moussaoui, assassinated in 1992 by Israel: Hassan Nasrallah, the 64-year-old leader of Hezbollah, was “eliminated” by massive strikes by the Jewish state on a district of Beirut, in Lebanon, announced the Israeli army this Saturday. Son of a grocer, student in Iraq, figure in Lebanese political life consecrated as a hero since 2006 and the 33-day war against Israel, 20 Minutes provides a quick portrait of the Shiite religious and political leader.

Religious training in Iraq

Hassan Nasrallah was born in Bourj Hammoud, a town in the east of Beirut in 1960. He is the eldest of a family of nine children, whose father is a modest grocer, activist of the Syrian People’s Party, of socialist inspiration and active also in Lebanon.

Although his family is not very religious, young Nasrallah does not follow the same path and decides to begin religious studies in Iraq, in Najaf, where he meets Abbas Moussaoui with whom he becomes friends. Pushed out of Iraq by the repression exercised by Saddam Hussein’s regime on Shiites, he returned to Lebanon in 1978. He then joined the Amal party, before leaving it with Moussaoui to create Hezbollah, a movement(.. .) Read more on 20minutes

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