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Sonia Bruganelli in Ballando with the stars 2024: a new adventure

Sonia Bruganelli on the Ballando track with the stars 2024. From this evening on television, Saturday September 28, the talent show hosted by Milly Carlucci returns to Rai1 and in the cast there will also be the ex-wife of Paolo Bonolis who will dance with Carlo Aloia. She decided not to be accompanied by her boyfriend Angelo Madonia in this adventure. While we wait to find out how Bruganelli will manage without her Casadei but with dancing shoes, let’s find out a little more about her.

Sonia Bruganelli at Ballando, who is she?

Sonia Bruganelli was born in Rome on February 20, 1974 (she is 50 years old). From a young age, she began working in the fashion world, lending her image to photo novels but also as a nightclub hostess.

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At the same time, she continued her studies in communication sciences and obtained her diploma.

Career and meeting with Paolo Bonolis

Thanks to her work as a model, she met Paolo Bonolis on Tira e Molla, a show on Canale 5. Bonolis was hosting, she was doing a telepromotion. Thirty-six years old for him, twenty-three for her. At the time, he was already an established television figure, she a young professional.

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In 1997, they formalized their relationship, in 2002, they got married, from this union three children were born: Silvia, 20 years old, born with serious heart disease; Davide, 18 years old; Adele, 14 years old (Bonolis is also father of Stefano and Martina, born from his previous marriage to Diane Zoeller).

His daughter’s illness

In the eighth month of pregnancy, Bruganelli discovered that her firstborn Silvia was suffering from serious heart disease. For this reason, from birth she had heart surgery, but after the operation “she had motor damage and always had difficulty moving her limbs. His damage was due to the hypoxia that occurred seven days after the procedure,” explained Bruganelli in an interview with Verissimo. “The day before this heart attack, I saw her gray in intensive care: the doctors said she was doing well. Then, the discomfort occurred during a change of guard between doctors.”

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Sonia has often spoken about the difficulties she encountered when she discovered that she had a daughter born with health problems, in various interviews she drew attention to those families who have to live with a disabled child, on their difficulties and the often insufficient assistance. Silvia is now 19 years old and Sonia said in an interview: “I saw her so small with all these tubes and I was afraid to even touch her, to breastfeed her. And then I felt guilty for that.” When Sonia learned of her daughter’s illness, she had to draw on all her strength to cope with the situation. Now Silvia is doing well, and for mom and dad, seeing her so tenacious and independent is a source of great pride.

Davide Bonolis is a footballer

Among the couple’s three children, Davide Bonolis, who is 20 years old, is the best known: the boy is in fact a footballer for the Triestina Primavera team. Adele, meanwhile, the youngest of Sonia Bruganelli’s children, appeared with her mother in Verissimo on Canale 5, where the two narrated their mother-daughter relationship on television.

The work

After meeting Paolo Bonolis and obtaining her diploma, she became an entrepreneur by creating a children’s clothing brand “Adele Virgy”, a line inspired by her children’s drawings. In 2005, she opened her own agency, SDL 2005, which handles, among other things, castings for Bonolis shows, such as Ciao Darwin and Avanti un altro!. Bruganelli also creates a web , SDL TV, which offers new content on her husband’s shows and hosts the show “Les livres de Sonia”, in which she interviews personalities who have published fiction or non-fiction books. . In 2021 she became a columnist for the Grande Fratello Vip, a role she also held during the seventh edition broadcast in the fall of 2022. In her place, it is now Cesara Buonamici who has arrived and she has joined the Isola. And finally, she is now a dancer at Ballando.

The separation

In 2023, Paolo Bonolis announced the end of his marriage to Vanity Fair: “We are separated but more united than ever. We will continue to be so for our family, for each other. The feeling is strong, but it is no longer the one that brought us together.” Sonia Bruganelli had anticipated it: “We are parents, we will continue to go on vacation together, we will maintain the same dynamics. That’s the news. There are no third parties or lovers involved.” Of course, Paolo Bonolis “suffered” the decision, while “sharing” it. How can you claim that a person does what they no longer want, feels what they no longer feel, is what they no longer are? “. It was not easy to accept it, “but it was right”: he also wondered if he had made a mistake with Sonia, “and she surely did too”.

The boyfriend, why isn’t she in a relationship with Angelo in Ballando?

Currently in a relationship with Angelo Madonia, dance teacher at Ballando with the stars, Bruganelli however decides not to dance with him on the show. “We asked not to dance as a couple for a thousand reasons and I must say that with my teacher, Carlo Aloia, I feel very good – explained Sonia Bruganelli to Chi – He reminds me of my brother, he is a person with whom I could open up. I don’t think the gossip will be about me and Angelo, there are other couples who could arouse curiosity.” A question of intimacy, Sonia Bruganelli tells Chi: “I am here to remove a shell, and having a teacher like Carlo, so similar to a person who is dear to me, will give me the possibility of letting myself go even in dancing and doing things that I wouldn’t have been able to share if I had someone like Angelo. In this case, I would have had the impression of revealing my privacy, I would never have done it, it would be a different contact…”

The salary in Ballando

During Ballando’s conference with the stars, Sonia Bruganelli answered journalists’ questions as always in a frank and direct manner. Why did you agree to do the talent show? they ask her and she without hesitation: “They pay me, the contract is not bad, we are not all here for the glory”. How much do the protagonists of Ballando earn? What are the fees for the show? There are no official figures. the fee for each protagonist would be estimated at around 30,000 euros. Obviously, this is an approximate figure, per episode, because the greater the notoriety of the character, the higher the profit he can make. In addition, from this estimate, we must deduct the so-called “Dancers for a Night”, often very well-known entertainment personalities who can obtain much higher sums. Not only that, but dance teachers can also count on a completely respectable “salary”, which has nothing to envy of that of an Italian middle manager: for them, we are talking about around 4,000 euros per episode. , a nice jackpot for professional dancers.


Irreverent, provocative and lover of luxury, Sonia Bruganelli shows herself on social networks as she really is. Between work and family, her Instagram posts where she shows herself in private jets and 5-star hotels are always debated. And while the haters increase, so do the followers: Sonia’s Instagram page (@soniabrugi) reaches almost 900,000 subscribers.

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