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Poupette Kenza: her husband Allan in turn imprisoned

On Monday September 23, 2024, Allan Lierhmann, husband of Poupette Kenza, “surrendered himself to the authorities”. In fact, the influencer’s companion was “arrested at the airport on Monday September 23, 2024 as he returned to to explain himself to the our colleagues from -. He was subsequently indicted and imprisoned this Thursday, September 26.

On February 23, the influencer was the subject of a complaint from a couple. This one, ensuring that it is the subject “various surveillance (physical, installation of mini-camera near their home and GPS beacon placed on their vehicle) and was physically threatened on condition of handing over a sum of 200,000 euros”as the public prosecutor recalled last July.

The alleged perpetrator, arrested

The investigation led to the identification of the alleged perpetrator. Our colleagues from BFMTV indicating, for their part, that the investigations “tend to demonstrate involvement” by Poupette Kenza as “ordering party”. The latter was then arrested on July 4 near .

Her husband, Allan Lierhmann, was also indicted for extortion and criminal conspiracy before being imprisoned this Thursday, September 26 as reported BFMTV this Friday, September 27.

Poupette Kenza’s companion placed in pre-trial detention

“He was indicted for extortion by an organized gang and criminal association with a view to committing one or more crimes” and placed in pre-trial detention, informed Me Hugues Vigier and the Rouen public prosecutor’s office.

Poupette Kenza’s companion had been living in Dubai since the influencer’s arrest. But police were looking for him for his alleged role in the affair. Blogger Aqababe announced his arrest upon his arrival on French soil last Monday from Dubai.


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