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A nighttime fire devastates a house in Sablé-sur-, the two occupants slightly injured

The smell of burning still hung in the air early in the morning. A fire ravaged a pavilion at a place called Cache-Bouton, in Sablé-sur-, on the night of Friday September 27 to Saturday September 28, 2024. The alert was given shortly after midnight. Several passers-by in cars, driving on the road, called the firefighters at the sight of the glow of the flames.

The fire apparently started from a garage

Around twenty firefighters were mobilized on site, with seven engines and three water hoses. The two occupants of the house, a man and a woman aged barely 30, were treated by emergency services after inhaling a little smoke. As a precaution, they were taken to hospital.

The fire destroyed the entire roof. According to our information, he left a car in an adjoining garage to the left of the property.

Two fires in two nights

This is the second fire in two nights in the Sabolian region after the one which affected the converted attics of several residential buildings in Juigné-sur-Sarthe, just next to Sablé-sur-Sarthe, on the night of Thursday in Friday, forcing around thirty people to evacuate.

And, two weeks ago, still near Sablé-sur-Sarthe, it was the house of a young couple who had just moved to Vion which burned down on Friday September 13.


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