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here are their questions and the city’s answers

Frank, in Mons. I would like to know the amount allocated to fireworks in Mons (in absolute figure and not as a percentage of any budget)?

Every year, the City of Mons sets off six fireworks: two at the Jemappes cavalcade, one at the Ducasse de Mons, one on July 21, one at the Wallonia Festival and one at the New Year. All fireworks are not of the same ilk, but roughly speaking, for these six shots, the City spent (via a public contract) €37,250 including VAT. It is also necessary to deduct from these amounts certain sponsors obtained in particular during the Ducasse de Mons. Other fireworks displays in villages on the occasion of local ducasses are financed by the organizing village committees. For example, the July 21 fireworks display in Brussels alone costs 60,000 euros.

Giovanni, from Nimy. It’s been almost 15 years since the drain pipes have been holed at rue des Viaducs n°197. I wrote, telephoned, sent emails to the City of Mons. The final answer is that the SPW is at fault. But here, we are flooded, forced to put a pump in the cellar to empty the water. What I don’t understand is that the city did a pipeline diversion, so it’s not the SPW. Nimy does not have sewers at rue des Viaducs…

We completely understand your frustration, and we want to assure you that we take this type of issue very seriously. You raise a legitimate question concerning the responsibilities of the City and the SPW in the management of road and infrastructure infrastructure.draining. First of all, Rue des Viaducs is part of an entrance route to our city, and its management actually falls under the jurisdiction of the SPW. This means that the repair of damaged pipes is the responsibility of this regional institution. That being said, the City of Mons has not remained inactive. Our technical services intervene as soon as necessary, in particular by deploying pump trucks to ensure the proper functioning of the sewerage network wherever possible. However, we understand that this situation has persisted for far too long, and it is unfortunate. This is why we asked the director of our works department to go on site, meet the local residents concerned, and work hand in hand with the SPW in order to identify concrete solutions.

Guy, in Mons. In July 2021, Belgium was hit by significant flooding. In September 2021, I questioned the Alderman of Works about the preventive cleaning of watercourses and in particular that which passes by the Rieu residence in St-Symphorien which is a flood zone. After several reminders, he confirmed to me that the stream needed to be cleaned and that he was planning for it in the 2022 budget. It is 2024 and nothing has been done. My question: what does the City of Mons intend to do about these essential cleanings to avoid the risk of flooding?

The floods of 2021 have had a profound impact on all of us. Please know that we have taken your comments into account as well as those of local residents. The cleaning of streams, particularly in problem areas such as the Rieu residence, is in fact a priority to prevent any risk of flooding. After in-depth discussions with our technical services, we are pleased to announce that cleaning work in this area is indeed planned for the end of winter. For various administrative and technical reasons, delays were a little longer than expected. However, the intervention is now planned. Flood prevention is an absolute priority, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that concrete actions are taken. Furthermore, the City will also take responsibility for the complete repair of the Roi Baudouin road in Saint-Symphorien, which is experiencing road problems.drainage for a very long time and normally depends on the Walloon Region. The work will be carried out in the coming months (4 million euros).


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