DayFR Euro

when will it be necessary to switch to winter time?

You will soon have to set your watches back an hour. In 2024, this time change will take place on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27.

Like every year, with the arrival of autumn the time change approaches. In 2024, the transition to winter time will take place on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27. At 3 a.m., you will need to set your watches back an hour to return to 2 o’clock. This change will allow you to “gain” an hour of sleep.

Also discover: Winter time VS summer time: which one should we definitely choose for our health?

Soon the end of the time change?

Established in in the 1970s to save energy, the time change has since been harmonized at European level. Thus, all member states of the European Union switch to winter time on the last Sunday in October, and to summer time on the last Sunday in March. Despite discussions in the European Parliament in 2019 to end this practice. A text was even voted on with an implementation date planned for 2021. However, the removal of the time change was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and took a back seat with the war in Ukraine. To date, no precise date has been set for the definitive abandonment of the system. In the meantime, don’t forget this annual meeting which marks the start of shorter days. To remember it easily, think of this mnemonic: in October, we go BACK, while in APRIL, we…


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