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pale face, trembling legs… Ailin Pérez’s scary (and failed) weigh-in

To be able to fight this Saturday at the Accor Arena in Bercy, the 28 fighters present on the UFC 2024 card had to go through the weigh-in box. If the nine French people all validated it, Ailin Pérez appeared very weakened. Argentina has exceeded the authorized limit, but its fight remains maintained.

Face dull, legs trembling… Ailin Pérez appeared very weakened this Friday, weigh-in day for the 28 fighters present on the UFC Paris 2024 card. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., they all took turns stepping on the scales. role. Benoît opened the ball and his eight other French compatriots then followed. In the end, all the French people have validated their weigh-ins and will be there this Saturday from 6 p.m.

Very expressive in nature and author of provocative dances after her victories, it was an unrecognizable Ailin Pérez (3-1 in the UFC) who however showed up for the official weigh-in this Friday morning. Arriving very weakened, the Argentine fighter experienced an ordeal, only to learn, around 9:30 a.m., that she had not managed to complete this stage.

Weighed 0.5 pounds above the allowable limit

Bantamweight fighter, Ailin Pérez, like her opponent Darya Zheleznyakova, had to weigh less than 136 pounds (or approximately 61.7 kg), with a tolerance of one pound. When she is on the scale, her weight is announced: “136.5 pounds”, so 0.5 too much.

Guilty of having exceeded the authorized limit, Argentina was sanctioned. “She will be fined 20% of her purse for this half pound (136.5 pounds on the scale). The priority was to recover and for the commission to allow her to fight after the hard cutting she suffered. suffered,” announced specialist journalist Carlos Contreras Legaspi.

The fight is therefore maintained. Ailin Pérez will enter the octagon at the Accor Arena in Bercy to face Russian Darya Zheleznyakova. It remains to be seen if she will have recovered from this extreme cutting.


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