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The Traitors: Studio Danielle explains why she never voted against Hugo Manos even though she was “sure” that he was a traitor

Who will win season 3 of Traitors on M6? While waiting to find out, Studio Danielle confided in her adventure and made a revelation about Hugo Manos whom she claims to have unmasked from the start of the game.

That’s it! The time for the final has come The Traitors. For this season 3 of the M6 ​​show, inspired by the famous werewolf game, six candidates find themselves finalists around the famous round table. Alone Studio Danielle and her friend Arthur Lombard, Gwendal Marimoutou, Bruno Soloas well as Laurent Ruquier and his companion Hugo Manos are still in the running in the game. This Friday, September 27, viewers will finally discover the big winner of the program. So will the traitors prevail over the loyal? For the moment, the mystery still hovers as the noose tightens for the journalist and host and her darling, ex-columnist of Don’t touch my postwho wear the red cape and betray their comrades one by one since the launch of the new edition.

Studio Danielle traumatized by the attitude of Romain Puertolas in The Traitors

One thing is certain, Danielle Renault, real nameintends to do everything to achieve victory or help his sidekick leave victorious in the Traitors. A new experience in which she was delighted to participate despite a game that she had described as very hard, psychologically and physically at the microphone of Here is. Above all due to the relentlessness of the writer and former police officer Romain Puertolaswho kept harassing her thinking she wasn’t loyal. “He made me cry. He was so hard on me that I cried and had a nervous breakdown. He suspected me and he followed through. I even wanted to slap him in the face ! I am like that! I broke down. I had to go see the psychologist because I was so bad“, she revealed.

The Traitors: Studio Danielle makes a big revelation about Hugo Manos

Weeks later, Studio Danielle is in the final. The opportunity for her to take stock of the show and make a big revelation: she always knew that Hugo Manos was a traitor. “I was sure that‘Hugo was a traitor“, she confided in the columns of Parisian. However, the 70-year-old YouTube star has never voted against Laurent Ruquier’s companion and for very good reason. “I know not, and on had said something, on would have been eliminated“, she explained. A very good strategy for the candidate who resisted for a long time on the show and will perhaps emerge as the big winner. Answer this evening.


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