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6 must-see exhibitions in October in

Pop Forever, Tom Wesselmann &… at the Louis Vuitton Foundation (8 Av. du Mahatma Gandhi, 75116 ), from October 16 and until February 14, 2025.

When a knot is untied, a god is released at the Palais de Tokyo (Paris)

Sculptor, poet and novelist, Barbara Chase-Riboud is today considered one of the major figures of contemporary art. “I am a poet who let herself be caught up in the manufacture of objects” she jokes in 2023 in an interview published by the Hauser & Wirth gallery. Over nearly seven decades, the artist has been able to impose his technical expertise through monumental sculptures mixing numerous materials. To tell the truth, her first steps as a sculptor were precocious: Barbara Chase-Riboud was barely seven years old when she enrolled in classes at the Philadelphia Museum, where she received the sculpture prize in the evening classes for adults. Since then, his trajectory has been fascinating: the artist has never stopped creating. Passed through Italy (where she worked as a decorator at Cinecittà, notably on the filming of Ben-Hur)Egypt, Greece or even Turkey, it is nourished by chance encounters (or written ones, it depends) with artists like painters Robert Rauschenber et Cy Twombly or even the photographer René Burri. Meanwhile, she continues to write, too – never tired, it seems then.

In 2024, eight Parisian museums will pay tribute to the multi-disciplinary work of Barbara Chase-Riboud. The opportunity to show the Parisian public his monumental sculptures combining bronze and silk. For example, at the Musée d’Orsay, five pieces are exhibited in the clock room, on the 5th floor. But above all, at the Palais de Tokyo, it is the recent series Standing Women of Veniceso each piece is associated with the name of a poet she admires, and placed in dialogue with The man who walks of Giacometti. The opportunity to celebrate Barbara Chase-Riboudthe sculptor but also Barbara Chase-Riboudthe poet, in an exhibition entitled When a knot is untied, a god is releasedbased on his collection of poetry published in 2014. The other museums involved in the exhibition are the Louvre Museum, the Palais de la Porte Dorée, the Center Pompidou, the Cité de la Musique, the Quai Branly Museum and the national museum of asian arts.


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