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Alain Cheval’s letter to the Pope: “Act, recognize, take a stand. It’s your duty as a man.”

Chis letter to make you understand a few things about your employees. But first, know that if I use the familiarity it is not because we are friends, nor more intimate, but using the you is difficult for me and the titles are pompous as well as illegitimate, it is not In my opinion. This is also the reason why I appeal to you as a human being, as a citizen of the world.

Well, let’s get back to our flock, or our sheep, basically it’s kif-kif donkey, right?

So there you have it, not everything is rosy in this world and I grant you, we can always do better, at least differently. However, regarding your representatives, I can tell you that they missold the point, or they themselves did not understand anything. In any case, what they tried to teach us in their own way is not love of neighbor, any more than love itself. In fact, I would say that they have rather succeeded in unlearning us, first of all in unlearning who we are, who we will, in principle and without intervention on their part, become. But then, at the age of 12, there was intervention. One of your servants was so helpful that he deconstructed me. Imagine a Lego of which you patiently fit each piece, day after day, so that it becomes what the plan provided indicated and, from one day to the next, you realize that, ultimately, the pieces, although they conform, no longer fit together. as they should. Worse, the plan itself has become incomprehensible. Well, this is what I became following this intervention (I’ll leave it to you to call it divine or not). And still today, more than 45 years later, I haven’t been able to put this plan back in the right order. And here I am like a Lego, if not incomplete, impossible to finalize. I will spare you the years of hardship, the shortcomings, the dysfunctions, the guilt, the shame too; especially her, let’s not forget this ghost companion who stalks us, who sneaks in, insinuates herself as soon as she senses a drop in speed. So, make an effort of imagination, yes I know, imagination is not your strong suit, but try to imagine that I am several, so many that I become legion, and multiply all these “me” by ten, a hundred or a thousand, that you will still be well below this reality which is bursting in your face today. Multiply again and again as easily as your Jesus multiplied the loaves that you will not yet arrive at the exact number.

Today, you come to visit my country, in my city and worse, you dare to come to a place of abuse for some of this legion, in order to pay tribute to the executioners who played their role so well. So, I tried to come see you, not to spit my contempt on you – even if that was initially the idea –; no need for you, a god or a belief, only to be. I thought about calling you to account, but in the end, I realized that it won’t help me in any way, or quite the opposite. You were only a 40-year-old man at the time, probably without much responsibility. I cannot hold you responsible for the actions of your henchmen. Many of my companions wish to write you a letter. I support them of course, but do not base anything on them. Sometimes I have the impression of being a child writing a letter to Saint Nicholas: he knows full well that he won’t have the whole list but he believes in it. I stopped believing, because for a brief moment in my life, I believed. But ouftiii, it didn’t last, and that, thanks to this man who wanted to be redemptorist, who was only peremptory; he who, beyond his death, follows me day by day, accompanies me, even in the most intimate moments. This is my life yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I add, these are our lives yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Today, tomorrow, other names will be added to the list of your victims because, as you defend yourself so well concerning Abbé Pierre, you were not in place at the time of his death and therefore not responsible for the acts committed by him, poor and terrible sinner. Either. Know that today more than yesterday, you represent nothing in my eyes. There is therefore no question of coming to implore you for pious wishes, of submitting our requests to you. It is no longer a question of requests but of demands, of actions, and not of words, however beautiful they may be. Act, recognize, take a stand. It is your duty as a man, as the big boss of this destructive enterprise that is your Church.


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