DayFR Euro

sincere response from Claire Chazal, Anne-Sophie Lapix may take it badly

The public service has seen things big for the 2024-2025 season. On September 9, spectators of 2 were surprised to discover a 20h extra-large JT. Usually lasting around thirty minutes, the big televised mass presented by Anne-Sophie Lapix has been extended in order to decipher hot news with multiple ramifications.

“We are going to give more time to the 8 p.m. because it is more necessary than ever in our complex environment”justified Alexandre Kara, Director of Information at France Télévisions during a press conference organized on September 5. “The French demand for understanding and deciphering the world is increased tenfoldinsisted for her part the president of France TV Delphine Ernotte-Cunci.

Claire Chazal: the impossible bet of Anne-Sophie Lapix

Present an hour-long news story? Claire Chazal does not believe in the viability of experimentation launched by his employer. “I don’t want to be disloyal to France Télévisions, but frankly, I would never have done it !”says the presenter of Le Grand Echiquier (show broadcast on France 3) in an interview recently given to BuzzTV. The journalist asks: “I don’t understand how we can build a hierarchy of news over an entire hour every day! We can’t do a news show with filler or filler topics because it’s immediately obvious…” . (…)

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