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The good graces of and the contribution of 3 million dollars

During his interview on 24, the lawyer, author of “They know that I know everything”, Robert Bourgi made shocking revelations in the context of relations of friendship and interests between former heads of state Africans and those of France.

Concerning that which linked Gbagbo to Chirac, Robert Bourgi returned to an anecdote which was until then unknown to the general public. “Laurent Gbagbo wanted to attract the good graces of France. I told him, you know Laurent, I am going to be frank with you, you will have to be able to contribute, make a gesture for Mr. Chirac,” revealed Mr. Bourgi. The latter said he later organized a lunch in a local restaurant. “There was Gbagbo in the restaurant lounge, Villepin and myself. And there, I said to Dominique de Villepin, as you had asked me, I am going to ask Gbagbo in front of you to help the President of the Republic . And I asked Laurent…You will have to help in the 2002 presidential election,” he added.

Reporting Laurent Gbagbo’s response to this request, Bourgi informs. “And Laurent said, I am from the socialist family, I am a friend of Mr. Jospin, but Dominique, I would help to the tune of 3 million dollars.” “What he did!”, he clarified.


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