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Sexual abuse: “crimes and shame” is good, justice is better

Belgium did not dodge, putting this sexual abuse at the “center” of the meeting with the sovereign pontiff. King Philip first. Then the Prime Minister.

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Editorialist at chef

By Béatrice Delvaux

Published on 09/28/2024 at 00:40
Reading time: 3 min

Fface to face, finally. This Friday evening, the Pope, head of this Catholic Church which has denied, hidden and minimized the sexual abuse committed by its own and tried everything to ensure that its criminals escape the justice of men, the Pope found himself faced with victims of sexual abuse by priests. One of them, who suffered abuse at the age of 12 from a pedophile priest – “one of your servants” – preferred to give him a harsh letter. This Friday, “François” was forced to look at the wounds of these adults “deconstructed” by the rapes suffered as children, finally exposing to the shepherd the ignominy of many of the guardians of his flock. “45 years later, I haven’t been able to put the plan back in the right order, I’ll pass on the years of trouble, the shame too. », wrote Alain Cheval to him.

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