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The Traitors – “They deserved so much”, “Bravo to the couple!”, “Very well done”, “A masterful finale”: Internet users delighted by the victory of Laurent Ruquier and his companion Hugos Manos as traitors

They did it! Hosted by Éric Antoine, the long-awaited outcome of this third season of “Traitors” was played out during final round tables. The candidates still in the running had to demonstrate strategy and persuasion to hope to win. Among them, Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos, a couple of formidable “traitors”, managed to do well despite the growing pressure.

The previous week had been marked by the spectacular elimination of Crazy Sally. The influencer delivered an incredible speech, even managing to shed tears on command to try to convince her opponents. Just before her departure, she had skillfully directed suspicion towards Bruno Solo, thus protecting her accomplices Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos.

Tonight, the game focused on the decisive round tables. Three final votes took place, giving the “loyal” and the “traitorous” the opportunity to debate and try to emerge victorious. Laurent Ruquier, although in the hot seat according to the words of the “loyal” and visibly tested by the last days of play, achieved a masterstroke. While his more nervous behavior and his apparent fatigue could have betrayed him, the host brilliantly turned the situation in his favor and sowed doubt in the mind of Bruno Solo until the end.

The first vote was fatal for Arthur Lombard, eliminated despite his confidence in Hugo Manos with whom he had sealed a pact just before the round table. The latter finally betrayed him, using his dagger for a double counting vote. A hard blow for the “loyal” and a golden first round for the “traitors”.

VIDEO – Discover Éric Antoine’s Minute

The die is cast. The rest of the game saw the successive elimination of Gwendal and Bruno Solo. The couple of “traitors” excelled in the art of covering their tracks, pushing the “loyal” to tear each other apart. Gwendal, disappointed, confided: “I am so disappointed that I trusted the wrong people…”. Bruno Solo, for his part, showed fair play in the defeat: “I was fooled… it’s incredible. I did anything, you guys are great.”

Finally, facing Danielle, the last “loyal” in the running, Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos won the game and the 42,500 euros intended for their respective associations. Their performance, eliminating the “loyal” one by one without consulting each other between votes, impressed viewers.

This victory for Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos is in line with previous seasons of “Traitors”. After Clémence Castel and David Douillet in season 1, then Juju Fitcats in season 2, it is once again the “traitors” team which wins.

On X, reactions were quick to pour in. “Well done traitors, at the same time the loyal ones were lousy,” comments a user. Another congratulates: “Well done Hugo and Laurent, you are bosses, even Sally too, she lasted a long time”. The admiration is palpable: “So they were too strong because I personally didn’t understand anything about their strategy this evening.”


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