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How the Travail agency in Villeneuve-sur-Lot wants to take job seekers to training

the essential
The Villeneuvoise branch of Travail is organizing a special week to introduce all the training centers in Lot-et-Garonne.

From this Monday, September 30, and until October 4, nearly 70 job seekers registered with the France Travail agency in Villeneuve-sur-Lot will discover a wide range of training. An operation called “Boost your project in your territory”, which mobilizes Villeneuve councilors for a week. “The challenge is to introduce training institutes that open up to employment-producing sectors,” explains Benoit Sfiligoï, director of the France Travail branch in the Lot Valley.

And in the area, there are many: health, social, sport, logistics, transport, construction, agriculture and even IT, these branches are looking for workers. The teams, led by Claire Caye, targeted 200 job seekers in the file. A target of 70 people is set to cross Lot-et-Garonne. “For 5 days, there will be visits to training centers, starting with the Villeneuve Campus for a day dedicated to under 30s,” says the manager.

With this immersion, lasting a few hours, in the training centers, France Travail intends to “trave the path” of those who build their professional project. “We want to get out of the classic circuit” supports director Sfiligoï. Show the training panel in the department, but also the measures put in place to remove obstacles, such as mobility or housing. Start the process, and why not then visit the companies that are hiring and that meet the expectations of job seekers.


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