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“victory plan”, end of the conflict… what to remember from the interview between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky

The Republican candidate for the American presidential election, Donald Trump, met this Friday, September 27, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Following this interview, the former president of the United States pledged to “resolve” the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

As the Russian offensive continues in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky went to New York, in the United States, where he met, this Friday, September 27, former American President Donald Trump. During this interview, the candidate for the presidential election on November 5 pledged to “resolve” the conflict between kyiv and Moscow in the event of victory against Kamala Harris.

“This war should never have happened,” regretted Donald Trump, adding that “we will resolve it.” Although the Republican did not explain the method he intends to use to “resolve” the conflict, described as a “complex puzzle”, Donald Trump called for “a fair agreement for everyone”.

A “very good relationship” between the two men

On the social network X, Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the “very productive” meeting he had with Donald Trump. “I presented our victory plan to him and we discussed in detail the situation in Ukraine and the consequences of the war for our people,” the Ukrainian president wrote.

“Many details were discussed. I am grateful for this meeting. A just peace is necessary. We share the common idea that the war in Ukraine must end. Putin cannot win. The Ukrainians must win,” added Volodymy Zelensky.

Relations between the two men seemed, until then, cold. Indeed, Donald Trump had denounced, on several occasions, the staggering amounts released by the United States for Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion.

Just this week, the presidential candidate called Volodymyr Zelensky “the best salesman on the planet.” “Every time he comes to our country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars,” he quipped.

But during the interview this Friday, September 27, the Republican praised a “very good relationship” with the Ukrainian president, but also with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A remark which visibly bothered Volodymyr Zelensky, the latter having replied: “I hope we have better relations”.

A meeting with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the day before

The day before, the Ukrainian head of state met Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, after a visit to the American Congress. During the Democrats, he assured that “Russia will not win”.

“This war can be won and a just peace can be concluded but only with the United States,” argued Volodymyr Zelensky, who came to present his “victory plan” aimed at putting an end to the Russian invasion

“My support for the Ukrainian people is unwavering,” Democratic White House candidate Kamala Harris reassured him during a separate meeting.

“There are people in my country who would like to force Ukraine to abandon large portions of its sovereign territory, (…) these are proposals for capitulation, which is dangerous and irresponsible,” she said. added in an allusion to his rival Donald Trump.


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