DayFR Euro

Sage will not make “changes for the sake of making changes”

Even if OL’s schedule gets heavier from the fall with the Europa League, Pierre Sage has warned. He won’t do any favors in the rotation.

He too must learn this management that every coach must understand. With the Europa League, OL will have to play two matches per week, and Pierre Sage will have to spare the organisms at certain times. With between 27 and 29 elements to form his group, the Jura technician has the choice, and he can therefore proceed as he sees fit, even if he will also have to manage the wishes of everyone.

This Friday, in front of the press, the 45-year-old coach developed his strategy and his method on this subject. “We have already used 24 players, which proves that there are prospects and rotation. The European Cup will generate opportunities, even if we will not make changes for the sake of making changes, he proclaimed. The idea is not to satisfy everyone, but to win matches and therefore score the best 11 each time. If we can satisfy the players and win, so much the better. But Liverpool, a few years ago, also proved to us that winning with the same squad is possible. So we’re going to get a reading of the events to come, and how the boys react to that.”

He therefore expects an impeccable state of mind and involvement from his troops, citing Saïd as an example. Benrahmascorer against Olympiakos (2-0). “He doesn’t come in twice, isn’t called up afterwards, and on Thursday, he shows that his situation doesn’t suit him and that he wants to change it. This is the best answer, he appreciated. I see this as a solution rather than a problem. […] The five changes are a strategic opportunity today, they allow us to press when the opponent begins to falter.”

He then goes on to mention the case of the youngest members of the squad who have little playing time.Mamadou Diawara had played with the reserves last weekend, so he came in very well against the Greeks. Sael In bed didn’t play because we had offensive changes to make. The defenders, even if they had played 90 years previously, played a decent game in terms of intensity and performance over time, the Rhone coach justified himself. But if there are needs and if the player puts a good performance in front of this need, then he can change his life.”

In any case, if OL start to have a string of successes, like the second part of last season, Sage will have much fewer locker room problems to manage. In football, as in many other areas, victories allow the rest to be swept away. “Yes, it feels good (to win). You can see it on the faces, when you meet people, that the aftermath of success makes recovery easier. What I liked was that we played a fourth good match in a row, but this time, we aligned the performance and the result.


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