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the hiker who discovered the skull gives her testimony

L’investigation into the disappearance of little Émile has made significant progress after a chance discovery by a hiker. Eight months after the boy vanished from Haut Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), Sadia, as usual, goes for a walk along a village path, despite the “sirocco”. But that day, Saturday March 30, she discovered the little boy’s skull at the bend of a path in a steep area, about 25 minutes on foot from Haut Vernet.

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“Right in the middle of the path, there is the skull. It is white, all white, immaculate,” she tells RTL. “I tremble, I look at him and I say “that’s the little one, that’s the little one’s skull”. I don’t know why, but I’m sure of it,” she recalls. She then decides not to leave him there, because of the wind. “The wind is blowing, it will disappear because, despite everything, the skull was very light,” she remembers.

For fear that no one would find it, Sadia remembers saying to herself “deal with it, take it”. The sixty-year-old then takes a plastic bag out of her backpack and wraps the skull before returning home to call the gendarmerie, and tells herself that “finally Émile’s parents will be able to bury him and begin to mourn.”

“Accused of having killed the child”

Sadia’s discovery completely relaunched the investigation. On site, after questioning the hiker, the police found other bones as well as a t-shirt, a shoe and a pair of pants. Since then, the sixty-year-old has no longer had contact with the police. However, speculation against him ran rampant.

“I was accused of having killed the child. It’s shocking,” she laments on RTL. “Why don’t I have a phone?” Why do I have plastic bags? No, by what right? Who are these people to make such accusations? It’s not pretty,” she regrets.

ALSO READ Death of Émile: the accidental trail emergesThe bones discovered last spring were analyzed. The expert report, submitted to the judge, should be made public in the coming days.


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