DayFR Euro

OL: Pierre Sage gives a big rant – Olympique Lyonnais

Beaten by on Sunday evening in Ligue 1 (2-3), Olympique Lyonnais was counting on its first day of the Europa League to revive itself. Pierre Sage’s men achieved their goal by beating Olympiakos (2-0).

As soon as the match lost against OM ended, Pierre Sage was focused on the first day of the Europa League. For the coach, the best way to recover from the defeat against Marseille was to beat Olympiakos to get his European campaign off to a good start. It’s done for Olympique Lyonnais, who won 2-0 by changing system this Thursday evening at Groupama Stadium. Goodbye to the 3-5-2 used for three matches and much criticized by supporters as well as observers, make way for a much more offensive 4-2-3-1 with Nuamah, Cherki and Fofana in support of Lacazette.

Despite this change in animation, however, we had to wait until the second half to see OL make the difference and find the fault, which earned a huge rant from Pierre Sage at half-time as admitted the 45-year-old technician after the match won by his team. “I shook them at halftime. I told them it was unacceptable not to win a match like this.” confessed Pierre Sage, who explains that the walls of Groupama Stadium shook at half-time, before continuing.

Pierre Sage made the walls shake at half-time

“We were frustrated with the last matches, we had to press harder, we were not tender enough, not incisive enough, we did not attack deep. In the second half, it was much better. I don’t know if we’re launching our season but it’s a good start to our European campaign. We will have to confirm in , the next match is always the most important” admitted Pierre Sage. The OL coach now hopes that his players will have gained enough confidence to continue this Sunday at 5 p.m. against Toulouse. An away match for which OL will have to be good from the first half if they do not want to be surprised by Carles Martínez Novell’s team, 13th in Ligue 1 with a small point lead… in Lyon.


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