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At the trial of Nicolas Bedos: “I drink too much and I am too famous”

Another complainant, of whom Nicolas Bedos has no memory, is invited to the stand. She talks about a party at the actor’s house Gilles Lellouchein a Parisian attic apartment where, we learn, there is an American fridge with an ice dispenser. This evening in 2018, she is 27 years old, works in production and goes to this evening where “people from the trade” have been invited. In the dining room, Nicolas Bedos stands in front of her, very drunk. “Who are you?” » He places his hand on his stomach, under his crop-top. She pushes him away. “well we can’t flirt anymore!” » he is surprised. Later, he asks her if he can kiss her. She refuses. A few minutes pass, she goes to the toilet, located in a small cubicle, and feels “a presence behind her”. She turns around. On the doorstep, Nicolas Bedos. “I was scared,” she testifies. She pushes him away and locks herself.

She helps herself to a glass of water from Gilles Lellouche’s fridge. “I offered one to Nicolas Bedos,” she relates. I told myself that he needed it and it was also to protect me. » He takes the glass, pretends to drink then spits the contents on the young woman. Drunk, he almost collapses on the floor. We call him a taxi.

Whisky Coca

Nicolas Bedos, advised by Me Julia Minkowskirecognizes a serious drinking problem. Before these setbacks, he drank twice a week. He has no problem with beer and wine but “hard liquor makes him crazy.” Like that other evening, where, drunk at Sauvages, he ordered a whiskey and Coke before grabbing the waitress by the waist and kissing her on the neck. The employee became a civil party in this matter. “I was surprised at the time, astonished. I am not traumatized, but I note that since then my relationship with men in my workplace has changed. I am more suspicious,” she testifies to the judges. In 2010, 2011 and 2014, Nicolas Bedos already had to deal with the law because he had drunk too much. He was convicted of drunk driving, contempt and threatening to kill an officer. “I was taking my scooter drunk to go home,” he sums up. “You knew about this alcohol problem and yet you continued to expose yourself to it,” the court reminded him.

To explain his alcoholism, Nicolas Bedos evokes adolescent traumas. “I am well placed to know what a serious sexual assault is,” he summarizes, without further details. At the age of 13, he suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder. “Disabling OCDs which affected my personal hygiene, and which made others stay away from me”, girls, in particular. In high school, very shy, he refused to flirt. “My first experiences of seduction were linked to alcohol. I got drunk and, uninhibited, I managed to seduce. » He also recalls that he attempted suicide several times. At the age of 20, he threw himself out of a window, breaking his leg. “Alcohol consumption is part of the depression my client is suffering from. It’s an illness,” insists Me Minkowski. A year earlier, in 1999, he had a sexual relationship with an actress, older than him. The woman, who testified to Médiapart, believes she was raped by Nicolas Bedos at the family home. She sent a letter to the prosecutor, included in the file but which deals with prescribed facts.

Vladimir Putin, the Master and Margarita

Five years ago, filmmaker Michael Lockshin embarked on a pharaonic project: transforming the novel The Master and Marguerite by Mikhail Bulgakov into a corrosive blockbuster and criticism of power. This was without taking into account the war in Ukraine, censorship and threats from the Kremlin.


The actor explains that he became aware of his drinking problem in Marrakech where he was celebrating New Year’s Day 2023. That evening, dead drunk, he flirted “heavily” with an actress and collaborator. The next day, guests reported this “pathetic” moment to him. “I was defeated,” says Nicolas Bedos. I love my wife and I would never want to ruin everything for an actress who, moreover, does not attract me. » Why had he been drinking that June evening when he allegedly attacked the savages’ client? “I was celebrating my wife’s pregnancy. When she came home, I passed by Flore’s café where I met some acquaintances. I had a drink. Then a guy told me that he had just opened a cocktail bar, right next door, that I had to try them. ” The rest ? Spots of color.


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