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Nicolas Bedos defends himself during his trial for sexual assault

Today at 11:37 – by Emilie FLORES

Nicolas Bedos must answer for his actions. A young woman accuses him of sexual assault and the first day of her trial took place on September 26. The director speaks for the first time.

This Thursday, September 26, the trial of Nicolas Bedos was held. The director is accused of sexual assault for acts which allegedly took place in May 2023. It was in June 2023 that a young woman decided to file a complaint against the comedian’s son after being attacked during a evening. The director allegedly touched her private parts while she was on the dance floor. Traumatized by this inappropriate action, the victim then decided to file a complaint for aggravated sexual assault.per drunk person” against the director. Nicolas Bedos has always defended himself against these accusations. “He has very vague memories and explained that he had behaved unusual, emphasizing that this gesture was not like him. He was transparent about his alcohol problems in a festive context, admitting to having an excessive penchant for partying”his lawyer then reported, Me Julia Minkowski.

“We can talk about heaviness, flirting”defends Nicolas Bedos during his trial

During his trial, Nicolas Bedos declared that he had started to treat his alcohol problems, as reported by our colleagues at Parisian. “I lost everything in this story. I am not a sexual abuser, I never will be. […] We can talk about heaviness, flirting. There is no sexual intent. I hug women, men, waiters, it’s not gendered…“, declared the director in front of the judges: “If I’m here, it’s because I still have an idea of ​​the guy I am and he’s not great“Nicolas Bedos admits, however, that he does not have many memories of this evening, but he denies having made this inappropriate gesture towards the complainant.”Wanting to catch a penis under jeans, what a stupid idea! Sober or dead drunk, I don’t put my hand in a woman’s crotch on a dance floor“, he then said.

What sentence does Nicolas Bedos risk during this trial?

Nicolas Bedos’ career was darkened by other cases of the same type. He is also accused of sexual harassment by two other women, for facts dating back to 2018. During this trial, the prosecutor asked the court to “find Nicolas Bedos guilty of three sexual offences” and requested twelve months in prison with a two-year probationary suspension, with compulsory treatment. The decision will be rendered on October 22 at 1:30 p.m. For now, he can count on the support of his partner Pauline Desmonts, who was also present at this trial.

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