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record rain levels and flooding in Pommeuse

Seine-et- affected by intense rains. The department was placed on orange “flood” alert Thursday afternoon. In Pommeuse, the peak of the flood was reached during the night from Thursday to Friday, around 4 a.m.

The rain has not stopped falling in recent hours in Seine-et-Marne. As a result, certain rivers overflowed, notably the Grand Morin, placed on orange alert since Thursday, September 26.

In Pommeuse, a town affected by flooding, the peak of the flood was reached during the night of Thursday to Friday September 27, around 4 a.m., at 3.07 m, exceeding the peak of 2001.

“The soils can no longer absorb”

The mayor of the town, Christophe De Clerck, indicated a little earlier in the night that “thirty houses” were flooded and “one family was rehoused”.

Questioned again this Friday morning by BFM Ile-de-, the elected official confides that “it’s been a struggle for two days. We have been at more than 100mm for 48 hours (…) the soils can no longer absorb the ‘water”.

“We had a first flood yesterday, of runoff. It was water that flowed down the fields and mudslides that entered the houses. And there, we have the second phenomenon, since the shutdown rain, it’s the level of the Morin that rises”, details the latter.

More than a month of rain in one week

Since the start of the year, the town has suffered its “third” flood, “people can’t take it anymore”. A crisis unit was opened at the town hall.

Floods had already affected the department last August. “That’s a lot,” breathes José, a resident of the town since 1995. If the latter did not have any damage to his home, his neighbor was not so lucky.

“We had, in less than a week, the entirety of more than a month of rain in Seine-et-Marne. So, it was all of the preceding days that caused us to have floods “, explains Commander Thirot, column leader of the northern sector of Seine-et-Marne, at the microphone of BFMTV.

In the town, the decline should begin mid-morning.


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