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Last tough advice in Anderlecht: hundreds of laughing gas canisters dumped in front of the municipal house

The group claims to have tried to deposit them in a Proxy Chimik, a recycling park for chemical products, but to have been refused the deposit. One of the members even claimed to have been warned by his owner, the Foyer anderlechtois, that he would lose his home if he did not get rid of it. The group then decided to carry out a strike operation and dump their “1800 or even 2000” cans in front of the town hall. “We tried everything, we took matters into our own hands and still no one helps us. We’re told we shouldn’t pick them up, but who does if we stop?”

With the sweepers of Cureghem: “A guy grabs the broom from my cart. I run behind him, his stomach is completely open…”

During the unloading, Olivier, one of the members, entered the middle of the municipal council to place on the college table some 200 tips which are normally placed on these canisters. An action, outside the legal framework which could earn him an administrative fine.

Team Ahidar in ambush

Downstairs, things are getting carried away. Jordan, one of the initiators of the group of cleaners, stops the unloading operations. And for good reason, present on the MR list for the next municipal elections, he is being scolded by some of his running mates (elected to the council), obviously not informed of the action:“we do things according to the rules, not like that.”

Mission aborted therefore but a good half of the load will remain for many minutes in front of the facade. “No elected official came to see us to offer us a solution,” deplores one of the cleaners, “apolitical” for her part.


No elected official came down, of course (except a few MRs and Engagés to reframe the action), but members of the council public did not miss the opportunity to make themselves known. Team Fouad Ahidar, including the new Brussels MP Najima El Arbaoui and the head of the list for the municipal elections Chadi Cherfan, took the opportunity to film the action and question some participants, who were very upset about municipal management.

End of term

In short, an MR initiator, apolitical participants and an Ahidar team joining the event: a great confusion of genres for a campaign well underway. The rest of the municipal council will be proof of this with a nice spat, if not an exchange of insults, between the leaders of the MR and PS groups on a motion to ask the future federal government not to limit allocations unemployment over time. “Thug, exploiter of human misery”… Beautiful names of birds were heard showing that the mandate was indeed coming to an end. “I’ve never seen that.” slips us a chosen one.

The Engagés, in the majority, did not join the motion co-signed by the PTB, the PS, Vooruit and Ecolo Groen, lining up behind their new partner, the MR. For one last piece of advice, the Anderlecht elected officials will not have ended on a soothing note. All this, under the keen eye of Team Ahidar’s smartphones.

And to come back to the canisters, they were not abandoned there. The group of cleaners was able to drop them off at the municipal Cleanliness department depot.


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