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The words of Nicolas Bedos on the first day of his trial for sexual assault

This Thursday, September 26, the trial of Nicolas Bedos began. Accused of sexual assault, the latter spoke at the bar, as revealed The Parisian.

A significant first day of trial for Nicolas Bedos. In June 2023, a young woman filed a complaint for aggravated sexual assault.per drunk person” against the director. But he is also accused of aggravated sexual assault, facts dating from May 2023, and of sexual harassment, for acts in 2018 by two other women. This Thursday, September 26, the trial of Nicolas Bedos opened The accused went to court with his current partner, Pauline Desmonts, who has always defended him in public.

Nicolas Bedos gives his version of the facts

Invited to the bar, Nicolas Bedos insisted on justifying himself and ensuring that he had already started to treat his alcohol problems, report our colleagues from Parisian. “I lost everything in this story. I am not a sexual abuser, I never will be. […] We can talk about heaviness, flirting. There is no sexual intent. I hug women, men, waiters, it’s not gendered…“, he declared before returning to the facts which date from June 2023. If he admits to having few memories, he affirms: “If I’m here, it’s because I still have an idea of ​​the guy I am and he’s not great“. Accused of having grabbed the genitals of the complainant, he assures: “It’s a gesture that would disappoint me. […] Wanting to catch a penis under jeans, what a stupid idea! Sober or dead drunk, I don’t put my hand in a woman’s crotch on a dance floor“.

Nicolas Bedos risks 12 years in prison

Elsa Zylberstein’s ex-companion declares in his defense that his gesture was accidental and misinterpreted by the young woman. The latter also took the stand and told how she experienced this evening. While she was dancing with friends and her brother, Nicolas Bedos approached her and put his hand on her private parts. “His eyes scared me“, she admits. And if she made the decision to file a complaint, it is because this evening was a real trauma for her. “The next evening, at the family dinner, I got up every 10 minutes, I had startles“, she explains. The prosecutor asked the court to “find Nicolas Bedos guilty of three sexual offences” and requested twelve months in prison with a probationary suspension of two years with obligation of care.


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