DayFR Euro

The Peasant Confederation denounces Lactalis’ “deadly strategy”

“It is unacceptable that hundreds of producers find themselves out of business overnight! » protests the Peasant Confederation, in a press release released on September 26, 2024, in reaction to Lactalis’ announcement to reduce its collection by 450 million liters in .

The union believes that this decision by the world milk leader serves to “eliminate producers” and “put pressure on those who remain”. “The fear of a cessation of collection prevents legitimate demands to improve the income of dairy farmers,” supports the Peasant Confederation.

“Public regulation of markets”

She believes that “this scandal resurfaces the urgency to reestablish public regulation of the markets” and insists on a necessary “take back control” of the volumes of milk produced and their valuation. “This recovery can only be achieved through public arbitration of commercial relations and transparency in all markets, including exports. »

The union organization also defends “transversal producer organizations by basin and not vertical by dairies. We have never stopped warning about the structural economic dependence of producers on dairies, she explains. Our objective is to maintain milk collection throughout France. »


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