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Rebecca Ruiz reacts to the rise in health premiums

Rebecca Ruiz: “Doctors are paid more than in other cantons”

For the State Councilor and head of the Department of Health and Social Action, cost control must also apply to outpatient care.

Published: 09/26/2024, 6:04 p.m.

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The Vaudois are once again stunned by the 6% increase in premiums next year. What do you have to tell them?

I understand them, especially since this is the third year in a row that we have experienced an increase. The good news is that the Vaud system is entirely capable of remedying the problem, by helping all those whose premiums represent 10% or more of their income. Last year, 292,000 people received a subsidy, and their number will increase further in 2025, due to the increase in premiums. Finally, the 7% increase in family allowances announced by the Council of State at the start of the week will also further reduce the increase in child premiums.

For part of the right, health costs are out of control in the canton…

If we look at the figures, we see that the canton has room for maneuver in the inpatient sector, because it has costs well below the national average, in particular thanks to our hospital financing system.

In fact, many point the finger at the millions donated to the CHUV.

I find it completely paradoxical to accuse the CHUV of receiving too many subsidies paid for by taxes, and at the same time to make it guilty of the increase in premiums. If there were no subsidies, premiums would be more expensive! I find it deplorable that the work of caregivers, who perform admirably and serve the Vaud community, has become the bane of certain parties.

There remain the outpatient costs, which are high across the canton. What do you think?

The outpatient sector is growing. But not because the Vaudois consult too much – on the contrary, they go to the doctor and hospital less than the national average. This is largely explained by the value of the outpatient tariff point, i.e. the remuneration of doctors in practices and hospitals, which is higher than in other cantons. I remind you that on this point, it is not the Council of State which determines it, but rather the tariff partners.


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Marie Maurice is a society journalist in the Vaudoise section. Active in the field for nearly 15 years and specializing in investigation, she co-founded the specialized media Gotham City, directed several documentaries and wrote two books. More info @mariemaurisse

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