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Algeria imposes visa requirements on Moroccans

Algeria imposes visa requirements on Moroccans

The Algerian government has decided to reinstate, with immediate effect, the obligation to obtain a visa to enter the national territory for all foreign nationals holding a Moroccan passport, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Community in the stranger published Thursday.

Algeria, “driven by values ​​of solidarity woven by human and family ties uniting the two brotherly peoples, Algerian and Moroccan, had chosen not to call into question the freedom of movement of people when its diplomatic relations were severed. with Morocco in August 2021,” the press release specifies.

However, “taking advantage of the visa exemption, the Kingdom of Morocco has carried out various actions undermining the stability and national security of Algeria, in particular through the organization of organized crime networks, drug trafficking and of human beings, smuggling, illegal immigration, as well as acts of espionage, and the deployment of Zionist intelligence agents, holders of Moroccan passports, to freely access our territory. These acts represent a direct threat to national security and justify rigorous control of all points of entry and stay on Algerian territory,” the press release added.

Finally, he concludes that “the Kingdom of Morocco is solely responsible for the current deterioration of bilateral relations due to its hostile actions towards Algeria.”


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