DayFR Euro

(Magnus League, 4th day) | Magnus League – Ice Hockey

The Rouennais welcome, this evening, on behalf of the fourth day of the Magnus league, their dolphins who, by dint of repeating that they arrive on the banks of the Seine without a spirit of revenge, will have this motivation in their heads for five months after the lost final.

Despite the announcement of the recruitment of Guillaume Naud who is not yet qualified, there are still as many players missing (seven) among the Rouennais which forces Fabrice Lhenry and Anthony Guttig to mainly tinker with power-play units and over-use the players who are playing. also in inferiority (Glad, Colomban, Dmytriw, Nesa, Perret and Hervé). The coaching duo chose to play with three lines. Avonde and Boisson only make appearances after power plays. Olivier Dimet also deplores absences (four). Which forces Nikita Jevpalovs to play center and the defense to rotate to a back five. But the ambitious visitors still remain more complete because on their fourth line one of the three center players succeeds one another. And she can play the whole game. The people of Bordeaux are also cooler. They therefore remain the favorites of the meeting.
Nevertheless, both teams start full of confidence, Bordeaux beat the leader Amiénois at Mériadek, without three starters, while had a first success against , two days ago, while the Girondins were resting.

Even if Robin Colomban is the first to be dangerous (0’21) and Simonsen hits the bar in superiority (4’47), the locals did not start the match at the same pace as their match against Nice. Oskari Setänen must already plug the holes in front of Jevpalovs (2’26), in a duel against Carry (2’52) then during a breakaway from Bruche (4’27), finally the goalkeeper diverts a shot on reception from Giroux and the return of the Canadian’s shot during a play set up on the power play (7’04). Two minutes later, with a second inferiority added to the first, the Finn will have to admit defeat on the same type of throw in the same place, taken in the right circle, from Kevin Spinozzi, this time (0-1 at 09′ 04). In trouble since the start of the match, the Dragons were still very happy to count on “Oskou”. His boot opposed Pompei (10’09) and his mitt was hostile to Giroux in the middle of the slot (18’25)! The RHE did very well to be led by just one goal after twenty minutes.
Apart from a throw from Johanès Avonde above Papillon’s right corner (26’48), the first half of the second third saw no reaction from Rouen. Oskari Setänen had to replay the firefighters on duty threatened by a second breakaway from Bruche (26’20). He did some initial work on a “small” puck, deflected by Polcs, which was difficult to control. Enzo Carry, quicker, showed determination when he threw himself on the puck in the territory to push it, under Tommila’s nose, behind the Rouen goalkeeper’s back (0-2 at 27′ 46). Photo below.

It was not clear how the Seino-Marins could react. Quite simply on their first supernumerary attack of the match. Anthony Rech executes a good backward pass to his unmarked teammate at the top of the right circle. Jordan Hervé whips, with unexpected wrists, a cross shot above Papillon’s boot (1-2 at 32’50). By reducing the score quite quickly (barely more than five minutes), Anthony Rech’s teammates did not have time to procrastinate and if they do not use their momentum in the numerical advantage (37’35), they seem better in place. An incident of play even puts them completely back in the match. The clearance planned behind the cage along the Bastien Lemaitre strip finally hits the skate of a referee. The ricochet reaches Tomas Simonsen alone in the slot. The ex-gothic tries twice to pass the disc over Papillon’s leg, then flat on his stomach because of his first save (2-2 at 38’55). It is on this score of parity, quite fortuitous, that Rouen and Bordeaux return to the locker room.

In the third third, the Normans regained speed and were still in place. They capitalize on their first opportunity which nevertheless arrives late. During a delayed penalty, Anthony Rech found a perfect cross line pass for Villard mounted on the left. The young defender pushes the puck into an open cage (3-2 at 48’12). We think that Fabrice Lhenry’s men put themselves in danger when they are penalized for being too many. But Tommy Perret, from the blue line, surprises Papillon with a clearance throw, while the goalkeeper quibbles with one of the referees (4-2 at 51’29). In less than twenty minutes (a third), Bordeaux has just conceded a 4-0. The Boxers try to react with Kaylian Leborgne (53’08) to whom Dmytriw (53’26) responds.

Quentin Papillon is replaced by an attacker. Without his goalkeeper, Baptiste Bruche still comes up against a solid Setänen (58’12). Finally, after a throw-in won by Jared Dmytriw, Cantagallo aims for the empty cage with a long backhand (5-2 at 58’22).

Ultimately the story of this Rouen – Bordeaux is a bit like the story of the frog who wants to be as big as the ox. Because, all in all, Olivier Dimet’s men almost exploded (5 goals conceded without response) in the second half of the match. The Rouennais, first thanks to Setänen, then thanks to two passes, full of lucidity from Anthony Rech, finally, by seizing two opportunities during the match, the Dragons gave themselves the means to always hope and finally to achieve their second success of the season.

Rouen – Bordeaux 3-1 (0-0, 0-1, 3-0)
Tuesday, September 24 at 8:00 p.m., at the Nathalie Pechalat ice rink.
Referees: MM. Jeremy Rauline and Julien Peyre assisted by MM. Joffrey Yssembourg and Enguerrand Thibouville
Penalties: Rouen 10′ (6′, 2′, 2′); Bordeaux 4′ (2′, 2′, 0′)
Shots: Rouen 27 (9, 10, 8); Bordeaux 27 (14, 5, 8)
Superiorities: Rouen 0/2, Bordeaux 1/5

Evolution of the score:
0-1 at 09’04: Spinozzi assisted by Valtonen and Giroux (sup.num.)
0-2 at 27’46: Carry assisted by Polcs and Lamarche
1-2 at 32’50: Hervé assisted by Rech and Lindelöf
2-2 at 38’55: Simonsen
3-2 at 48’12: Villard assisted by Rech and Simonsen
4-2 at 51’29: Perret assisted by Hervé (inf.num.)
5-2 at 58’22: Cantagallo assisted by Dmytriw and Rech (empty cage)

Anthony Rech (C) – Robin Colomban – Jared Dmytriw
Johanès Avonde – Jordan Hervé – Tomas Simonsen
Tommy Perret – Vincent Nesa (A) – Rolands Vigners
Paul Le Lem – Thomas Boisson
Daniel Glad – Enzo Cantagallo (A)
Matteo Partridge – Alexander Lindelöf
Fiorenzo Villard – Juho Tommila
Guardian :
Oskari Setänen (25 saves)
Substitute: Gaëtan Richard (L). Absent: Guillaume Naud (unqualified), Marc-Olivier Duquette (start), Noa Goncalves Nivelais (shoulder), Florian Chakiachvili (knee), Francis Perron (ribs), Loïc Lampérier (thumb), Sebastian Bengtsson (lower body) and Milan Kytnar (adductors).

Samuel Salonen – Mathieu Pompei (A) – Enzo Carry
Tommy Giroux – Nikita Jevpalovs – Julius Valtonen
Kaylian Leborgne – Rudolfs Polcs – Baptiste Bruche
Benjamin Rambello – Tom Guidoux
Kevin Spinozzi (A) – Maxim Lamarche
Kevin Dusseau (C) – Axel Prissaint
Bastien Lemaitre
Guardian :
Quentin Papillon (29 saves)
Substitute: Victor Bodin (G). Absent: Julien Guillaume, Justin Hamomic, Loik Poudrier, and Ulysse Tournier.


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