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At his trial for sexual assault, Nicolas Bedos claims to be just a “heavyhead”

Tried for “sexual assault in a state of obvious intoxication” on September 26 by the criminal court, Nicolas Bedos admitted his “episodic alcoholism” and his “heaviness”, but defended himself from any gesture of a sexual nature.

“I am not a sexual abuser. I never will be! » Tried before the 10e criminal chamber of the Paris court for acts of sexual assault dating back to June 2023, Nicolas Bedos readily admitted to being a “episodic alcoholic”a fan of strong alcohol, late nights, blackouts, provocative gestures… but nothing more. “If we put a lunatic, a party animal, an unpleasant guy on trial, condemn me immediately! But if we put a sexual attacker on trial… I will never accept being that man”the director defended himself at the bar of OSS 117: Red alert in black Africa. “I do not impose, I do not insist… This is not part of my intentions, of my person, of everything that constitutes me”he repeated over and over again this Thursday, September 26, believing that his life had changed into a ” nightmare “.


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