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P. Diddy accused of sex trafficking: Jennifer Lopez, Leonardo Di Caprio… photos resurface and it’s embarrassing

Sean Combs P. Diddy was arrested in New York on the night of Monday, September 16. The rapper is accused of sex traffickingsexual assault and extortion. Authorities say Sean “Diddy” Combs hosted massive sex parties called “freak offs“. The American rapper would have organized and directed these evenings.

During his eveningsfreak offs“, P. Diddy allegedly masturbated and often recorded the scenes electronically, as revealed Page Six in his article of September 23, 2024. A former dealer of the 54-year-old rapper revealed chilling facts about his crazy sex parties.

P. Diddy accused of trafficking: behind the scenes of the rapper’s Freak off parties

In a recent interview with New York
P. Diddy’s former dealer claims to have already attended parties organized by the rapper in the Hamptons. “Of the
weird things were starting to happen” he said before adding that celebrities had sex in back bedrooms.

He also allegedly saw gay rappers, partygoers and prostitutes under the influence of ketamine and GHB. While rapper Sean Combs, aka P. Diddy, is placed in pre-trial detention at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center since September 17, old, not-too-glorious clichés have resurfaced.

photo credit: Bestimage
Jennifer Lopez, Leonardo DiCaprio, Aaliyah… many celebrities have participated in parties organized by P. Diddy.

P. Diddy accused of trafficking: Leonardo DiCaprio clears his name

Before the evenings Freak OffsP. Diddy also organized parties where he invited celebrities from the Hollywood sphere. Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Lopez – the rapper’s girlfriend at the time -, Sarah Jessica Parker, Aaliyah, Beyoncé… and dozens of others participated in the
evenings ” White Parties of the fallen rapper.

In one of the photos dating from the 2000s that have resurfaced, we see, among others, Jennifer Lopez lounging in an XXL bed with the rapper or Leonardo Di Caprio smoking and sipping champagne. A source close to the actor
Titanic recently explained, as reported by
Daily Mail on September 24, that DiCaprio has been distancing himself from the rapper for years. Leonardo DiCaprio claims not to have participated in marathon sex parties Freak Offs de Sean Combs
P. Diddy.


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