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Jordan Bardella accuses the State of “having failed” and the justice system of being “irresponsible”

Guest on Thursday on 2’s “8 p.m.,” the president of the National Rally recalled that his party’s deputies will propose the reinstatement of “double punishment.”

The tragic death of the young Filipina continues to cause turmoil. While the main suspect, of Moroccan origin, was arrested Tuesday in Switzerland, his profile (under the influence of an OQTF, convicted of rape, released at the beginning of September…), the political class seized the ‘affair. The left condemns, but is divided on the diagnosis and the measures to take. The central block is quite discreet. The right and the National Rally are raising their voices, by increasing the number of proposals on migration and legal issues.

After the revelation that the 22-year-old foreign national was free for three weeks in September, and that Morocco responded positively to France’s expulsion request, Jordan Bardella denounced Thursday evening on France 2’s “8 p.m. , a “irresponsible justice” and the State which has “bankrupt”. If the Minister of Justice Didier Migaud had indicated, a few hours before the arrest of the individual by the Swiss police, that “judicial laxity did not exist”his nationalist opponent considers on the contrary that the indulgence of the authorities has “dramatic consequences on insecurity.”

“How much drama do you need?”

And the boss takes on a martial tone: “How many dramas do we need for our political leaders to become aware of what is happening today in the country?”. The opportunity to recall that the RN deputies will propose “in a few days” THE “reestablishment of double punishment” (prison and expulsion) for foreigners committing a crime or misdemeanor. A way for the MEP to respond to “countless cases where our migration policy coupled with the weakness of criminal penalties results in an explosive cocktail for our compatriots”.

Once Jordan Bardella’s main measures were exposed, Marine Le Pen’s successor and journalist Anne-Sophie Lapix engaged in a small skirmish. While the host affirmed that an expulsion costs 13,800 euros on average, asking the president of the RN for details on the financing of his programs in this area, Jordan Bardella replied: “And Philippine’s cost of living, Madam?” “Filipina’s cost of living is priceless for everyone”thundered Anne-Sophie Lapix.

The nationalist leader may well reply that the Philippines is “the only one to have been executed at the moment”the presenter of “8 p.m.” accused her guest of not responding to her. Then “bringing the issue back to an extremely sensitive subject.” “No one wanted Philippine to die”. Not enough to disturb Jordan Bardella, according to whom the question of financing arises for a reason: “We have become so accustomed to the State doing nothing, being weak.”


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