DayFR Euro

Prisoner’s crisis, stroke during meal, mattress fire… A day “hotter than the others” this summer at remand center

September 10 was one of those days that the guards could have done without, with three “major interventions.”

Early in the afternoon, three prison guards had to put on their emergency gear to help the emergency medical service doctor administer a sedative to a prisoner before another team took him to a psychiatric hospital.

Later in the afternoon, a second alert occurred during meal distribution. A supervisor on duty on the floor noticed that a prisoner was not well and was showing signs of a potential stroke. She immediately called for help by sending the nurse from the health unit. The prisoner was taken care of and his emergency extraction was quickly validated.

Ten minutes later, the same supervisor, finishing distributing meals, noticed smoke coming from the detention building and raised the alarm.

Prisoner sets his mattress on fire

And indeed a fire is detected by the officers on the lower floors. Originally, a prisoner unhappy about not having any tobacco (despite already having had two “helps” from the administration) “had the good idea of ​​setting fire to his mattress”, as explained in a leaflet from the Ufap-Unsa justice.

“The rapid intervention of the officers present made it possible to save the prisoner who was already breathing large quantities of fumes,” says the union, which has officially alerted the regional management of its desire to obtain eight additional prison guard positions.


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